These were the award-winning entries:
Ogg the Caveman said...
1. Than Shwe's birthday is February 2.
2. Than Shwe was the head of the Burmese government during the crackdown of 2007.
3. Than Shwe became deputy minister of defense in 1985.
4. On Than Shwe's orders, a constitutional convention began on January 9, 1993.
5. Casey Serin has 2759 unique creditors.
October 5, 2007 5:58 PM
Ogg the Caveman said...
Ok, one more:
1. Than Shwe is dictator of Burma.
2. Burma Shave used a distinctive form of advertising involving a series of roadside signs.
3. I've seen the same approach used to advertise rental hot tubs.
4. A hot tub is similar to a jacuzzi.
5. In a recent post on sweet derivative blogger Akubi's porn venture, property flipper Anya appears in a jacuzzi. (NSFW, obviously)
6. Casey Serin is a failed property flipper.
October 6, 2007 5:31 PM
This week's prize is an encore presentation of Marketa the Cavewoman (NSFW) brought to you by Zillow Book™!
Sweet! Win-win!
I should be a good sport about this. Ugh, nope, can't do it.
Itsallgood, Edgar. I don't mind if you're off grumbling about how I ought to be barbecued in KC Masterpiece BBQ Sauce.
Akubi: I'll claim my prize as soon as I'm home from the looser W2 cubicle job.
Your entries were really good as well. Marketa the Cavewoman said she'd be willing to provide an encore for you too;)!
She's fond of composters.
She's fond of composters.
In Burma news:
China turned against the Burmese government last night and supported a UN security council statement rebuking the military regime for its suppression of peaceful protests, and demanding the release of all political prisoners.
The security council statement, which also called for "genuine dialogue" with the opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, marked the first time that Beijing had agreed to UN criticism of the junta.
The statement did not threaten sanctions, but the significance of its unanimous support by all 15 members of the security council would not have been lost on Burma's generals, who had hitherto been able to count on China, a neighbour and key trading partner, to block UN censure.
Also: Burma’s hardline Prime Minister Soe Win dies.
YANGON (AFP) — Myanmar’s incumbent Prime Minister Soe Win, a hardliner best known for allegedly orchestrating an attack on democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, has died at age 59...
They'll have to torture some bunny rabbits, so the people will be sad. Good riddance! Now if some instant karma would hit shwe that would be great.
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