Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dolly Dimples' Meat and Jelly Bean Games

While I was viewing The Penguin Girl via ectoplasmosis, I came across Dolly Dimples - The Dainty Fat Lady on The Human Marvels. As a child she loved playing a game with a family friend. Apparently it involved dangling bits of butchered meat in front of her. Dolly’s first word was “meat”. Another favorite game involved creating elaborate jelly bean mosaics prior to consuming them.

In her heyday the 4’11” “World’s Most Beautiful Fat Woman” weighed 555 pounds. She later lost 443 pounds by eating nothing but baby food and published the best selling Diet or Die: The Dolly Dimples Weight Reducing Plan.

Prior to the baby food regime a typical menu included the following:

4 to 8 eggs, any style
1/2 pound of bacon, or a pound or more of ham
a can of peaches mixed with a pint of cream "and lots of sugar"
a loaf or more of bread, sliced, with butter and jelly
cafe au lait made with cream instead of milk, with sugar

3 to 4 pork chops - "if they were breaded, I'd have five" - with gravy a platter of fried potatoes "including all the grease"
vegetable of choice served in a sauce of cream, sugar, salt, and pepper
a loaf or more of bread, sliced, with butter
4 pieces of peach pie with whipped cream
about 1/2 gallon of milk

one or more boxes of candy
6 or 7 bananas
cookies, apples, popcorn, etc.

most of a large roast, or one or more whole chickens, with gravy
3 or more servings of mashed potatoes. "Sometimes I would eat enough mashed potatoes to feed an entire family of ten. I would hollow out little holes, sink in the butter, and cover it all with gravy."
2 avocados in season, or mixed green salad with grated cheese and mayonnaise dressing hot biscuits with butter and honey
4 pieces of custard pie, half a cake, or 2 pounds of candy
about 1/2 gallon of milk

4 or 5 sandwiches
ice cream, or in summer "the leavings of a frozen custard machine that belonged to some friends of mine. Every night they gave me a half-gallon bucket which was filled with the extra thick and creamy custard which had settled at the bottom of the machine."

2 pieces of pie. Dolly also liked to take a box of crackers to bed each night, and munch herself to sleep.

I wonder if her jelly bean mosaics looked anything like the one...

Jelly Bean Elvis by ~RachelS

In other news, voting for 6 Degrees of Casey Serin to Dick Cheney winner is on hold until Schnapps submits her entry.


Ogg the Caveman said...

Most of that diet horrifies me, however:

I would hollow out little holes, sink in the butter, and cover it all with gravy."

Didn't we all do that?

Actually, there's a certain failed flipper who could probably do with a diet like that for a little while. He might not look quite as cadaverous.

Akubi said...

Not being a fan of meat and avocadoes, pretty much all of it disgusts me, but yes I did stuff like that with my mashed potatoes when I was a kid.

Speaking of meat, I'd like to know more about that meat game, but can't seem to find any additional info online. Maybe it is described in her book...

Ogg the Caveman said...

@ Akubi:

I did stuff like that with my mashed potatoes when I was a kid.

You mean you don't any more?

Akubi said...

No, at least not in a few years...