Sunday, February 3, 2008

Foreclosure Pets Call to Action

Hat tip to Edgar AKA Buzz Saw for the following link.
STOCKTON, Calif. (AP) - The house was ravaged - its floors ripped, walls busted and lights smashed by owners who trashed their home before a bank foreclosed on it. Hidden in the wreckage was an abandoned member of the family: a starving pit bull.

The dog found by workers was too far gone to save - another example of how pets are becoming the newest victims of the nation's mortgage crisis as homeowners leave animals behind when they can no longer afford their property.

After the the owner abandoned this black lab in his foreclosed house, all that remained was claw marks across the cement floor and the door of the basement and decomposing flesh swarming with maggots.

A Belgian Malinois was found starving in an abandoned house. He survived by eating the corpse of a German Shepherd.

In a Call to Action For the Love of the Dog suggests investigating abandoned homes for signs of animals in distress.


Akubi said...

Some more links:
Leo Nordine, a Hermosa Beach broker who specializes in selling repossessed homes, said he finds abandoned dogs at least once a month these days. Sometimes they're chained in a yard, sometimes locked in the house. They're often emaciated, if they're alive at all.

This woman abandoned 21 Great Danes that were all found dead.
While a pit bull might be difficult to adopt, any number of rescue groups would have taken the purebreds like these and the others mentioned above. The least these people could have done is taken them to the local animal shelter.

Ogg the Caveman said...

I'm not surprised that it happened, but I'm surprised that it's so commonplace. Terrible.

Anonymous said...

These are my fellow countrymen that I hold in such high regard. Anyone who would treat an animal like that deserves to be homeless.

Akubi said...

A dog or cat is not a f-ing sofa.
On the other hand, pets are treated even worse in Iraq where they send retarded women to pet markets to blow themselves up.
Did our fellow countrymen want the war in Iraq? Barely any that I know, but somehow it happened anyway. I'd like to see a return to democracy in this country.
BTW the governater's wife (another Kennedy) endorses Obama.

Anonymous said...

Did our fellow countrymen want the war in Iraq?

Yes, and even more depressing, they still approve and love the war, even after it has been proven to be nothing more than murder for oil.

Anonymous said...

Akubi said...

I think you may have spent too much time in Oklahoma.
I don't personally know *anyone* of any poltical party who thinks the war in Iraq was a good idea at this point.
That suicide article is so depressing.
I felt so bad for the soldier who was deployed and thought he had found a good home for Neeko who was nearly starved to death by a foreclosed bitch :(.

Akubi said...

Yet another reason to hate the war.

Anonymous said...

I don't personally know *anyone* of any poltical party who thinks the war in Iraq was a good idea at this point.

How do you explain "chicken hawk" Lieberman getting re-elected after losing the democrat endorsement? The people of CT claim to be against the war too, but when it comes time to vote they have no problem killing brown people to get cheap oil.