Saturday, November 17, 2007

These Boots Are Made For Walking

Nancy Sinatra and Janet Reno have an easy solution to the defiant doomsday cult problem in the explosive Russian cave.

People in general have proved themselves to be hopeless, but please stop the massacre of the dolphins and whales!

If this senseless slaughter pisses you off contact the Japanese Consul now:
2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20008
Phone: 202-238-6700 (Main) 202-238-6900


Anonymous said...

First, murst, liverwurst!!

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

with faba beans and chianti.....
te he

I Love dolphins and whales and the monks.

So sad.

Akubi said...

I believe it was just plain liver as opposed to liverwurst that Hannibal Lecter enjoyed with fava beans and chianti ;).

Ogg the Caveman said...

My catz used to enjoy liver mixed with tuna when they were small and sick. It wasn't people liver though. Even if I had access to the stuff, I know better than to lead them down that road.