Friday, December 19, 2008

Freaky Friday Fishnet Lady!

Miss Christmas Tree, 1951
via this isn't happiness which has been blocked at work for some inane reason, but RSS feeds still work unlike Blogger these day.


Anonymous said...

Mursty Me!

Fabulous fishnetty gams...

Miss Tree looks Greekie maibe?

Akira said...

Hi Heatflowy!
The regular Safeway delivery guy didn't show up, but another one I don't often see did and wanted to fuck me. It was somewhat difficult to show him out the door.
He said I broke his heart.

Anonymous said...

Hi Akira! ... that is quite a Friday evening... denied and broken hearted deliverers... I'm sure you didn't mean to ruin his Friday night... but really copulation is so easy to come by... he'll recover quickly... don't you think?

Otherwise how you be? Did you see the Christmas lights I posted?

Akira said...

I do not Botox, Brazilian, bleach teeth, shave legs, etc. so WTF?

Anonymous said...

Akira ::: had to look up Brazilian... I'm a girldolt...

good discussion... uhmmm..