Sunday, December 28, 2008

Koi Girl in the Water

Nicoletta Ceccoli via Cgunit


Anonymous said...


bonsoir Akubi/Akira...

)))) she sweetpretty ((((

Anonymous said...


wagga said...

Where are the other 2753 koi?

Akubi said...

Bonsoir Heatflowy,
I've been in a rather French mood this evening – listening to Erik Satie hence post update.

Hi Edgar,
I have a Satie for you: Erik Satie - Gnossienne nº 3

Hi Wagga,
Eva Koi Girl is one of 459 *unique* replicas. The remainders go to TARP.

Akubi said...

Here's another Satie crow for you.

Anonymous said...

Koi + Duck

Oui, oui Satie...

Akubi said...

Oh no!
Did the koi eat the baby ducky?

Anonymous said...

Satie ate babyducky... snacky...

Akubi said...

That's sad. I guess the koi weren't being fed properly...?

OT, irrelevant thoughts of the moment:
Since the news and such has been so depressing, I've been reading a lot of fiction: currently reading _Gilead_, but recently enjoyed Natsuo Kirino's _Grotesque_ which I could completely relate to on some level. There were so many layers beyond "feminist crime" fiction in the novel. Must have been Japanese in a past life. Onto the Jacuzzi...We'll see how it goes...

Anonymous said...

Konichiwa Akubi-san...

Lovely reading choices... maybe I'll read too... Nipponfemo liberation/subjection ... ok... I can feel the themes... and the world through the pastor's eyes... zounds... 180 turn.

I took a hot bath then laid outside in the cold air. Calmy.


Anonymous said...

Hi akubi,

Thanks 4 the piano piece & the pic is purrfecto!

wagga said...

"Navigating the Darwin Straits"

Edith Forbes.

Anonymous said...

someone left a comment over @ bsmb saying that tavington has passed on.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Did he kill himself?
Whenever I feel that way I realize that I'd rather utilize my life on a useful kamakazi mission of sorts.

Anonymous said...

Ooops: I meant Kamikaze - "divine wind"

Anonymous said...

Too bad Tanta isn't around to appreciate the fact that Ann Taylor carries "classic" pants that don't fall off your ass once again. Haven't found so many "normal" (that you can wear to work if you're a barista at Peet's or Starbucks or something) pants there since the last recession.

Anonymous said...

Skipping words again: "if you're *NOT* a barista"

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of fuzzy. SS stevens claims that Tav killed himself, but then posted a video of Vince McMahon faking his death. I don't know if it is legit, or maybe SS killed off his internet personality, which **was** tav, or what. Trolling the tubez gets confusing. He left a link to a blog-obit over at buzz saw's.

Anonymous said...

I'm really fuzzy... (I do like "classic pants" for public -- RIP Tanta...)

I'm sorry for Tavington... was he a nice man?

Akubi said...

Trolling the tubez gets confusing.
It certainly does. I don't seem to have the Buzzsaw link in my Vista feeds - that I'm stuck with since my XP laptop has been on life support after it somehow found itself crushed into the shattered glass of my coffee table last month.

It is simply not professional to have your butt crack hanging out at the office.
Just as I cannot say whether Tavington is alive or dead, I can't say whether he was nice or not; he was a troll.

Akubi said...

So many RIPs so little time to catch up on them all: R.I.P. Ai Iijima, famed porn actress-turned-AIDS activist

Anonymous said...

Akubi {{{{ I agree... it's not pretty for men or women to have their buttcrack on display in da public ... save it for the homeshop (private matter)

When trolls die are there funerals?