Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Prop 13 Blue Eyes for Kidz


Akira said...

After prop 13, I was so annoyed I would beat up Republicans and various other stupid asshats who added to my general state of aggravation on the long bus rides.
Also, my dad died.

Anonymous said...

Baby repubs?

Cloned or developed from blank slates?

I'm sorry about your Dad... :(

My Momma is sick now... sad :(

I come here to be silly and forget...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the PJ Harvey blueeyewhore version...


Akira said...

God, if anyone cloned me as a pissed off kid on the school bus it would be The End of the World as we know It.

Akira said...

Just kidding.
I do get somewhat scared about
getting too angry these days.

Anonymous said...

Akira... you need a massage... and some laughs...

I'll give you both...

Sleepy sleep... :)

Anonymous said...

My condolences akira.

Akira said...

To avoid any confusion my dad didn't die recently, but when I was 8 years old.

Sorry about your mom, Heatflowy. I hope it isn't to serious. I should cheer up. I'll have nearly two weeks off after this week. Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Akira for your kind thoughts... the happier I am around her the less she hurts...

Silliness medicine... I get my scrip refilled here... thanks...

And sorry about your losing your Dad...