Friday, April 4, 2008

Happy Fishnet Friday!

1953 Cosmo cover featuring comedian Jackie Gleason via Found in Mom's Basement


wagga said...
Thong thung blue, everybody knows one...thorry...

Neil Diamond's Thong Theory:


Ogg the Caveman said...

Hi, Akubi.

Mitchell said...

Fishnets and octopi show up at the famous string theory blog, "The Reference Frame". (It's a mocking reference to the topological structures of a rival theory.)

Akubi said...

Fishnets and octopi show up at the famous string theory blog, "The Reference Frame".

Sweet! Along those lines, I propose a new thong theory.
A thong is a kind of a string.

Ogg the Caveman said...

String theory is for the undisciplined. Null-terminated char array theory was good enough in my day, and it's still good enough.

wagga said...

Thong thung blue, everybody knows one...


wagga said...

And I have a lot of respect for any body who could write a word processor in Pascal (byte-length) strings.

(Hint - string array length limited to 254 ascii chars.)

Fortunately Delphi has a full set of ascii ansi null-terminated string thingies.

Akubi said...

Thong thung blue, everybody knows one...


That reminds me of when I was a really little kid eating fondue in L.A.

Ogg the Caveman said...

@ Wagga:

BTDT, fortunately only in school. It could be worse though: As I recall, that's a vendor extension. In ANSI Pascal, you only have arrays which means that "strings" of different lengths are different types.

Why, oh why am I posting such things on a Saturday night?

Ogg the Caveman said...

Oh hai!