Thursday, December 11, 2008

Give Yourself a Gift

My number one find today was FUCK YOU, PENGUIN!
Not only is it hilariously absurd, but potentially therapeutic as well.

Wow - just wow is all I can say about this 1939 Colt Handgun ad.

Ronald Kurniawan via Cgunit. Please note the title is something along the lines of "College Loan" - can't confirm because I find most artist sites annoyingly Flash, Adobe and/or whatever other crap that freaks me out a bit.
While I have more finds, I'm feeling really fatigued, scattered and cold at the moment.
Amelies Welt

Flowing Heat AKA Heat Flowing, etc. reminded me of how Derrida enthusiasts ruined Romanticism for me. Skylark is actually a very nice poem unless it has been deconstructed in so many circuitous ways you want to vomit. So I preferred sticking with those boring poets like Keats and T.S. Eliot that Berkeley couldn’t be bothered with.

When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou sayst,
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty," -that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

The early history of the work is obscure. It is listed in a catalogue of the library at Nonsuch Palace made in 1596 as "a song of fortie partes, made by Mr. Tallys." The earliest surviving manuscripts are those prepared in 1610 for the investiture of Henry Frederick, the son of James I, as Prince of Wales.


Akira said...

I shall murst you baby. Fuck the rest of them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Akira....

What a lovely post full of delicious stuff...


Anonymous said...

why does god have clothes but the man doesn't?

Anonymous said...

Hi Edgar...

Maybe it shows who is dominant?

Anonymous said...

Maybe god is bashful?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I don't think God or Bettie Page are bashful...

I'm a little bashful though...

Akira said...

Thanks heatflowy!

That isn't God. It is a brain! At least that's all I see on the right side.

So sad about Bettie. I should come up with a tribute post other than this old 6 Degrees game.

BTW, I think NotAnOptimist gets the medal for the longest standing regular poster on Baab.
Thanks NOA!

NotAnOptimist said...

Me? Longest? I would've thought Edgar was here before me...

...and on a completely unrelated note, I finally saw Sarah Silverman's "I'm Fucking Matt Damon" music video. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Sarah Silverman + Matt Damon's hilarious and the white people rap is a riot...

Akira said...

That is fucking hilarious, but why do they bleep out fuck in this video?

Thanks, I needed that.