It’s Friday and time for another 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™ game!
This week’s challenge is Casey to Bettie Page.
The clock is ticking so you better start hopping! While we’re on the topic of games there has been some chat about writing a Casey Serin game over at Stephanie J’s place so she has reserved a SimCasey™ post for suggestions. And don’t forget to check out Saint Casius Serinicus while you’re there!
OT UPDATE: Sprezzie has honored me with the quote of the evening (thanks and I'm glad it was that one:)!). I want to keep 6 Degrees of Casey Serin to Bettie Page in the forefront of our massive focused action in this neck of the interwoods, but would be curious what others have to say about a spontaneous emergence of an unplanned online community.
Page was saved from bankruptcy by Hugh Hefner. Hefner created Playboy magazine. Playboy magazine was marketed to young men. Similarly young men are also targeted by the YMCA. The YMCA was a popular band for young gay men. Casey Serin.
Bettie Paige (who was hot) starred in a movie called Striparama.
Striporama featured strippers and other entertainers.
Strippers sometimes (erm, so i've heard) give lapdances.
Lapdancing was the subject of last year's surprise literary hit, The Lapdance Code.
The Lapdance Code was written by webtrepreneur Marty "Butters" Stewart.
Marty Stewart is one of the latest people trying to scam our hero Casey.
I think we're solidly back in Schnapps's home court, but I'll throw out a token effort.
Bettie Page's first marriage ended in divorce.
So will Casey Serin's.
Please channel Bettie's "lost soul" to discipline a certain unaccountable "kid." Whips are kind of like cream and koi and all that good stuff.
See the problem with being able to find linkages everywhere is the extra long post I put in before, but this is the meat of the matter:
Richard Forster published a biography about Bettie Page in 1997. This biography, accoriding to wikipedia, accounts for several stays in mental institutions, including Patton State Hospital in Highland, California.
Aspeth has tracked someone logging in from a Utah mental institution to Nigel Swaby's blog.
Nigel Swaby is a part of the Casey Serin story - one time supporter, now semi-supporter, semi-hater (much like semi-vegan).
(Alternative posted below)
Alternatively, in a late 1990s interview, Page said she wouldn't allow any current pictures of her to be shown because of concerns about her weight. Casey doesn't allow any pictures of his family to be shown.
Another alternative: Page contends that the late 1990s biography by Forster is "full of lies" (along with Hefner). Casey claims that the haterz are full of lies.
It could also be argued that Casey is full of lies.
And I only did this because Ogg challenged me and I have had sufficient libations because for the murst weekend in 8 weeks I do not have to work. :)
I have to say, Wikipedia is a good source of useless information.
Much better than Trivial Pursuit :>
Hi Akubi...tooooooooooooo funny ;-)
Borrowing a page from Schnapps and using Wikipedia (since I previously had no clue who Bettie Page is):
-Bettie Page was sent a letter from Howard Hughes, asking her to meet him.
-Howard Hughes was involved in a near-fatal aircraft accident, but fortunately, was rescued by a Marine Master Sergeant.
-One of Casey's brothers is a Marine.
Like Bettie Page, Serin also enjoys dressing up in nylons and women's "dainties" and being spanked -- both verbally and literally.
Ooh, I simply Adore Bettie Page. Dita VonTeese too. Tiny, cute, darkhaired pinups.
Let's see....
I can't beat Nigel's Guest Blogger; (and swamp-donkey's..LOL) those are great posts; but I'll comment anyway.
Bettie Page posed for camera clubs, nudes, bondage and eventually Playboy.
She then found the righteousness of the Church and God.
Casey has also found the righteousness of the Church and God.
My friend once met Betty somewhere in Sausalito. Said she was adorable and very nice. Agreed, well at least the adorable part.
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