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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Murst! We had so many good entries this week, I couldn't decide who won.
They were all pretty hilarious.
I voted for Ogg because his had a picture of a kitty.
WTF? You're allowed to claim Murst on your own blog? I call foul!
Anyway, I voted for myself, just because I could.
And my vote got tallied as "other"?
Ow well, what can I expect afterall I misspelt my handle
I know, so I just voted for Other (all of the above).
Ogg's kitty was cute, but I liked your entries as well.
Well, it's one place I can reliably be Murst! You can start your own blog - with photos of your Vogue picture discs perhaps -and be Murst! too. I didn't even notice the misspelling or I would have fixed it.
Surely I cannot be in the lead for merely mentioning that Chairman Mao ate puppies (not Pomeranians) for breakfast... this reminds me of some expat friends who went shopping with their children in Saigin awhile back. The son saw a puppy in the market in a cage - he asked his parents if they could buy it - they agreed - considering he was away from home they thought it a nice gesture. They paid the lady - she asked them to wait a minute.... she brings back the puppy... skinned and wrapped ready to cook.... (it's true - I swear - only third hand!).
That's HORRIBLE! However, it also sounds like one of those third-hand tales along the lines of the huge rodent dog found in the Bay.
It's true. These days you can't count on anything being real. Except for the Monsterpig.
Hey it doesn't work. I voted for myself (twice!) and nothing shows up!
I call for a revote. Too many chads.
What is the deal with that monsterpig?
Hmmm, I did a test and couldn't vote for you either. Maybe PMSPMS™©®'s ™©® symbols are the problem, because the one's above his aren't registering. Let me see what I can do.
I stuffed the ballot box and it seems to work just fine.
You sure did, dumbfounded. Schnapps is going to be PISSED:).
Yer damn straight I'm pissed. :>
Can anyone say Flor-i-da?
Damn chads.
Hey, if George W. can win by 1%, anyone can win :>
Except, maybe, Casey.
He can have the consolation prize: koi, which is a type of fish, and eats algae, which is caused by the sun.
Just Keepin' it Organic:). You guys are cracking me up.
I actually know someone who knew Deng Xiao-ping (who obviously knew Mao). Can I be a shortcut for KC?
Northern Renter
I think I know how Al Gore and John Kerry felt now.
I just checked up on the poll and someone else voted for me too! Thanks whoever you are!
As Cartman would say, this is a travestah!! I'll tell you who the clear looser in this poll is - freedom. Where did you get the polling plugin from anyway, Diebold? I will be having RobBBB's army of lawyers appeal this sham.
Well, the organic polling process allows those most determined to win to win and it's all win-win in the end! Everyone can be a winner if they click enough times. Itsallgood!
Flailing, I just noticed your rhyme over at EN and will give you several votes for that one. (BTW, if I can be Murst! on my own blog why can't you vote for yourself too?)
At 7:42 AM, flailing forward said...
In a land that's supposedly free,
Akubi's poll is a travesty.
I checked back today
And am shocked to say
That nobody voted for me.
Actually, I'm too lazy. Wait, I mean I'm too honorable. Ok, maybe I just like to complain (like various anonopussies over at EN.)
Well, I'm all of those things among others, but you're funny and that is a gift. Hey, I haven't written a poem since high school and it sucked and I was mortified when a teacher submitted it for some sort of award it didn't deserve. All things creative freak me out a bit (presented paintings date back to an attempt to minor in fine arts as an undergrad and being hated upon om critiqes because it was "depressing" or "overly intellectual" or "procedural" or "lacking in organic form" or something without a logical defense, so I've spent most of my life avoiding it. Nice to finally have a chance to have folks like Aspeth like it.
I didn't realize you did those. I like them, especially the Burroughs. The Mao screenprints are cool too. Are they yours?
I used to be hyper-sensitive to critics. Now that I'm a little older, they don't bother me so much. Art criticism is THE WORST. It's such a subjective field and whether the reviewer likes it or not has almost no bearing on what a random viewer will think. Creating for your own personal pleasure is a great feeling. Not to sound like Casey, but screw the critics.
Yes, it is very easy to get lost in the subjective...so I've taken a lender-ignore mode approach. Thanks for the complement, but I didn't do the Mao prints. I believe they're authentic Chinese propaganda creations. While I did go through a couple of derivative Russian Constructivist, Warhol, Japanese block print phases, they weren't sturdy like canvas (or koi) and are now either rolled up in a corner somewhere peed on by dogs and cat or were thrown out.
I believe PMSPMS(tm, etc.) mentioned something on Aspeth's blog about somehow feeling creatively inspired by the Haterz. I have to agree with that. You guys are inspiring.
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