As a W-2 looser, I am falling a bit behind on 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™ administration. Nonetheless, it is now time to vote for this week’s 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™ win-win winner!
Please be respectful of the voting system.
In addition, I would like to present yet another Casey Serin book uncovered at Intellectually Stimulating.
Murst! of all, I was pleased to see that nobody took the cheap way out in that contest (connections to successful haterz) except for me.
The voting results thus far do not surprise me.
The voting results DO surprise me. *blinks* FWIW, I didn't vote for myself (that always feels... weird).
@ NotAnOptimist:
The voting results DO surprise me.
I don't see why. I did call it, did I not?
Yeah, Oggy, you did call it and I hope to remain an impartial observer. However, given the fact that this was the most challenging game ever and NotAnOptimist also managed to incorporate MURST! That’s pretty f-ing impressive (not that I disliked your entry in the least).
BTW, Google is really pissing me off. Despite all of my efforts, my blog now doesn’t come up anywhere in the “6 Degrees of Casey Serin” search results. What’s up with that?
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