On to other semi-kinky/funny news in the "Blogosphere"... SERIE NON STOP Part 3 featuring a HandJob machine.
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Every now and then the machine requires fresher hands, though.
Handjob machines: they seem like a good idea on paper, but in actual practice they're not so great. As we see here they tend to attract homocidal homosexuals looking to sodomize themselves with severed penises.
*** not that there's anything wrong with that ***
The machine seems awfully high-maintenance. As such, it offers no advantage over actual women. It also has some disadvantages: the aforementioned homocidal homosexual problem, odd questions from house guests, etc.
And I thought your butt plug obsession was creepy.
You're hilarious. I was hoping to wash the chlorine away (can't stand that green hue to the hair, but you crack me up. I have a blog crush on you.
I have a blog crush on Ogg too, btw.
Is it creepier than thongs?
Butt plugs pertain to my last foray of dating a couple years ago. Since stopped. All guys want are butt plugs and shit.
Ogg, You must not live in the SF Bay Area...
I like machines, personally.
Oh, and if it isn't physicists with butt plugs, it's tying you up with a neck tie and telling you to be a good kittie.
Fuck that noise. Maybe I just attract weird people.
Perhaps you find a "butt plug obsession...creepy" because you secretly want a butt plug orgasm. If you're in fact a guy, they all go for that shit.
In no particular order:
* Yes, it's creepier than thongs. Thongs are non-creepy unless you expect me to wear them.
* Cavemen don't want "butt plugs and shit". Even if we did, they would have to be made out of stone and that just doesn't sound nice.
* Yes, you attract weird people.
I'll have to refrain from further comment on this thread until I'm home from work. If a coworker sees me writing about butt plugs and handjob machines, it would be a bit embarassing;).
"Oh, and if it isn't physicists with butt plugs, it's tying you up with a neck tie and telling you to be a good kittie."
Best comment ever.
But anyway, some cavemen are into vibrating butt pebbles; others aren't. Some homicidal homosexuals are into sodomizing themselves with severed penises; others prefer to spend their time luring American flippers to their Australian lairs for eventual dismemberment. Different strokes for different folks. And as Casey would say, "Itsallgood! Now let me out of this pit!"
You're the hilarious, award winning commenter and I'm honored you spend some time in my tiny slice of the blahblahblogosphere;).
That one comment you quoted is just the tip of the iceberg of the absurd, crazy stories I could tell...When you're a bad kitty..., Wizard of Oz, polyamorous liaisons...
I've always believed it's best to explore all possible options.
However, at a certain point one just gets tired of the games, spectacle, what have you. At which point, I just like to laugh at the absurdity...
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