Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fun Shui and Coercive Joviality

I have never been a big fan of those workplace team building events where one builds balloon sculptures, bowls, etc. and theoretically “has fun” for the sake of team building. Perhaps a funsultant would have made all the difference...

Are We Having Fun Yet?
The infantilization of corporate America

I particularly liked this quote:

"When you and I were born, there were 2 billion people in the world. Today there are 6 billion. Maybe there are only 2 billion real jobs and all the rest of us are being relegated to bullshit jobs, like fun coaches and creative directors. If we took away all the bullshit jobs, our economy would collapse."


Anonymous said...

First, murst, liverwurst.

Yep, scary on the jobs situation. Sadly, according to the PTB, a lot of us serve no useful function. I say the PTB are not necessary to society in the least, in fact, they are an onerous burden. They are selfish, incompetent, and stupid. Were I emperor everyone would have a sense of purpose.

Ogg the Caveman said...

Murses. Foiled again.

What's the PTB?

Anonymous said...

PTB = powers that be. A term used by tinfoil hat night time 'net surfers who don't believe the lies of the msm. (main stream media).

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...

We have an ongoing joke in my 'circle of friends and family'(kids included),and it is really silly and fun.
Next time you eat Chinese, have each person open and read their fortune cookie script out loud at the end of the meal. At the end of the cookie sentence one MUST say "between the sheets".
Enjoy your next giggle fest over the Fortune Cookies, compliments of FMW.
Peace out.

Akubi said...

Hmmm, rather than "between the sheets" I've always added "in bed".