Friday, February 8, 2008

Inhaled. Burned. Thrown away.

This is one of 20 bizarre Japanese smoking manners ads featured at InventorSpot.

12) "Inhaled. Burned. Thrown away. If it were anything but a cigarette, it would surely be crying."
Could this be the world's first Emo cigarette ad? I really feel for that poor, discarded cigarette butt; left behind, all bent & broken, nothing left but to decay into dust like windblown autumn leaves... hey, now I'm doing it! And tell me a chick, er, a woman didn't write this ad. Boy meets cig, boy uses cig for his own vile and selfish purposes, boy dumps cig like... well, like a used-up cig. Call it catharsis, lightly scented with menthol.


Ogg the Caveman said...

Thanks. That was good for a chuckle.

Oh, and Murst!

Akubi said...

I thought this was funny: Hillary Sells Own Tears on eBay

Mitchell said...

Prediction of new economic norms from an unusual corner.

Anonymous said...

Show me some more butt love.

Akubi said...

I hope we do see more anti-consumerism.
Well, there are plenty of butts over at Nietzsche Koi.

Speaking I've Nietzsche: Mr. Obama seemed interested in thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud and Jean-Paul Sartre, whom he studied in a political thought class in his sophomore year.

Ogg the Caveman said...

Do those butts have plugz in them?