In other absurd political news: CNN Dog Attacks Microphone During Palin Speech
More tentacles!

Jennybird Alcantara's "Sepentine Dream"

GEISHA WITH OCTOPUS by *Zoe-Lacchei via Ectomo
Don't miss 12 Tips for Living Out of Your Car!
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Blast! so close!
OMFG! WTF is McCain thinking with the lime green jello background again?!
Now the lime green Jello is swirling about in the background.
Someone quickly changed it to a blue background with a flag.
Someone seemed to be protesting or freaking out something, but it was mainly off camera, before they were pulled away.
I'm much more interested in the U.S. Open quarterfinal match between Roddick and Djokovic.
Plus, watching the GOP convention makes me feel slightly nauseous.
In other news, my client can shove it up their ass. It's amazing how much money they waste by throwing obstacles in front of their contractors. Among other issues, they have yet to learn that splitting a project up among a number of mutually hostile firms means that you need more planning and project management, not yes.
(Not gonna name names, but it's a big company that, odds are, some of you are customers of.)
The first paragraph should have ended "not less."
Plus, watching the GOP convention makes me feel slightly nauseous.
No kidding – and I’ve already spent the day dealing with what I believe was food poisoning from a burrito I ate last night. I must be a masochist.
It is interesting that WALNUTS' 96-year-old mother seems more mentally alert than either Mr. or Mrs. McCain.
Tax increases: Lies nothing but lies when it comes to people outside his circle of 300K outfit wearing Botoxed beer heiress zombies like his wife.
Why do Repugs spout so many lies?
Sorry about the issues with the client. If it makes you feel any better, I have to work late on BS tomorrow night.
Fuck drill now!
@ Akubi:
No kidding – and I’ve already spent the day dealing with what I believe was food poisoning from a burrito I ate last night.
Yeah, I heard that you were all butthurt.
Yeah, tortured and butthurt by the RNC.
They could drill every f-ing possible location in this country and we'd still be screwed. What a bunch of asshats.
Thank god it is over!
@ Akubi,
Jane Mansfield was decapitated in a car with semi tractor tailor crash.
There you go again.
Listening to NAS. Pretty good hip hop for a computer.
Yeah, I guess I've had a bit of a decapitation theme lately.
Lime green Jello mystery solved!
America laughed again last night as a terrible “green screen” once again appeared behind John McCain, during his big speech at the RNC. Well, the “green” was actually the lawn of a school in North Hollywood, California. And the school is called “Walter Reed Middle School.” And the random idiot assigned the task of picking John McCain’s video background during the biggest speech of his career was apparently told to put a picture of Walter Reed Army Medical Center on the screen, and ineptly googled this utterly random California school picture, instead. And nobody knows what Walter Reed Hospital looks like, anyways, so everybody just assumed it was another one of his mansions. The school is about to release “a statement” damning McCain for inappropriately using the picture of this innocent school. All of this, as Josh Marshall notes, is exactly what happened in the movie Spinal Tap.
Reminds me of a Bush speech a few years ago. The background was blue, with "JOBS" in ca. 6" high text spread out all over it. The broadcast was live, with the familiar "LIVE" in the upper right hand corner.
The cameraperson kept maneuvering the "LIVE" over the first two letters of "JOBS". Guess the cameraperson was a Democrat!
Error - "Live" was in the upper left-hand corner. Duh!
Walter Reed Middle School was also used as a backdrop on The West Wing!
Why Sarah Palin Incites Near-Violent Rage In Normally Reasonable Women
rudy iz an alien!
Green screen middle school update:
Okay, the McCain-Walter Reed Middle School backdrop debacle is getting weirder by the second. Now the principal of the school is hammering McCain for using footage of the school during his convention speech without seeking the school's permission...
The California Democratic Party is actually holding a press conference in front of the school within minutes, where Dems will hit McCain for not knowing the difference between the school and Walter Reed Medical Center, which is believed to be the backdrop the McCain campaign really wanted.
Wow: Palin’s First Passport Issued in 2006
Having had a passport since I was around 7 I have a hell of a lot more foreign affairs experience than Palin.
Work sucks. I hate having to choose between sane and career-advancing.
I have not yet tried out Google Chrome (no Mac version yet) but I like it already.
Work sucks.
Tell me about it. I'm still stuck with it and the SLOW process and will probably be on-call for an eternity since phase 1 hasn't yet started. 104 degree weather and stomach flues make me grumpy too.
I think my first passport was issued about a month after I was born. But hey, 2 years of passport-holding and 4 countries later, I'm sure Palin has a solid grasp of foreign affairs.
Ogg, Akubi,
Sorry to hear work sucks. =(
So you have even more foreign policy experience than Palin!
Yes, I'm just an arugula eating elitist, but her astounding academic career is nearly as impressive as her foreign policy experience.
Also, I really hate the fact that she kills wolves, bears and such.
John Denver is so groovy! He'll be featured in my next post once looser w-2 phase 1 crap is complete.
If only we could all be web 2.0 entrepreneurs.
Speaking of a certain web 2.0 entrepreneur, I think I'll take a nap and save the John Denver post for later.
McCain vs McCain
That was funny.
I love Stewart but I seldom watch the show any more. By 11, I'm thinking about trying to get to sleep and shows that need to be actively watched to be enjoyed aren't on the agenda.
It's too hot. You'd think that after spending the last 11 years living in places that get too hot in the summer, I'd be used to it. But no.
My dogs are in a near-coma again.
As mentioned on EN, "Carissa Marquez"'s new blog is worth checking out. "Carissa Marquez"'s style sounds familiar, but I just can't place it.
Sooo OT:
I just attended my first professional soccer match. It was fantastic. I know that I love playing soccer, but watching it played by pros? Screaming epithets amidst a raucous crowd? Bloody brilliant.
I realize this is nothing profound, but my cat loves to play in paper bags. He's punched a little paw-sized hole in the corner, and his new game is to lie in wait and snag my sock as I go by.
Glad you had fun. I didn't realize that there was pro soccer in your neck of the woods.
sorry work sux ogg, akubi, mine sucked too.
the wiener of kitty naming: missy
Well, I headed down to San Jose to watch the Earthquakes drum out their 2-1 victory over DC United. I don't think it's a trip I'm willing to make for every game, but I'm considering buying a mini pack for 2009.
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