Saturday, April 14, 2007

Sad and Puzzling "Pro Anorexia" Site

Out of curiosity, I started perusing the "World's Largest Pro Anorexia Site" a week or so ago. These photos are what is considered "Thinspiration" or “Thinspo”.
It is so sad to see so much misdirected angst. I've been tempted to join so as to provide some constructive feedback. However, the process of doing so is nearly as complicated as applying for a government job. One must first join Livejournal and then complete this application Apparently they are "running WAY behind in processing applications at this time." Perhaps they are too busy counting their calories

Actually, I don’t mean to make light of this very serious and deadly problem. As a teenager, I suffered from the belief that if I lost one more pound I’d finally feel OK about myself until I was down to 80 and absolutely miserable. If sites like Pro Anorexia had existed then, I imagine it would have been much more difficult to recover. A community of over 10,000 members with a similar perspective would probably normalize it. I sincerely hope all of the Pro Anorexia members recover before it’s too late.


Anonymous said...

On a related note, I thought this was interesting

Anonymous said...

So why do you link to the Pro-Anorxia site if you care?

flailing forward said...

Ok, I was reading that site, and I had this overwhelming desire to bash my head into my keyboard. At first, I felt like an insensitive jerk (on account of it being an anorexia site), but then I remembered that I have this feeling anytime I read anything on LiveJournal.

The only good thing to ever come out of LJ (other than trainwrecks):
the Live Journal random image generator

Akubi said...

That random image generator is quite bizarre. On my first try I was presented with this one juxtaposed between flowers and some little kid.

flailing forward said...

Haha, yeah, I guess I should have posted a warning that it could be NSFW. It shows the last 20 posted images whatever they may be. Sometimes it's kind of fun to pick the most insipid ones and check out the blog as a form of self-torture. It can be surprisingly addictive though so watch out. That link was posted on Portal of Evil nearly three years ago and people are still commenting on it.

jackspar said...

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