Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fishnets and French Toast

Serial Dreamer by *Alyz

The Phonemes - "Pain Perdu" has a dreamy a cappella sound I rather like (via Said the Gramophone).

In other news Jaakko has posted yet another truly bizarre Terror Blue fumetti synopsis (not for the squeamish and probably NSFW either).

Oh, and despite doubling the RAM on my Vista laptop, performance still sucks.

embryonic. by `hbynoe


Ogg the Caveman said...

That music fits the lazy day I'm having well.

Does anyone know a details guy who will come clean my kitchen and take out my trash for me?

Ogg the Caveman said...

It would be nice if said details guy would also go buy my groceries while I stay in and watch The Exorcist.

Anonymous said...


I can't remember if you posted this pic. If not, I thought you might enjoy it.

Ogg the Caveman said...

That's the most delicious cruelty ever.