Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Big Red Octopus

nene uploaded by grupo we!

UPDATE: In unrelated news, I just came across and think I have a natural aptitude for the slow lifestyle.
Come on, this is California! Some university, surely, is offering a master’s degree in Gettingoutofbedology, isn’t it?


Ogg the Caveman said...

That's not a nice thing to do to a poor innocent giant red octopus.

Anonymous said...

Nice try akubi, but I'm not taking the bait.

Akubi said...

I bet you looked a bit like that as a little kid.

What bait?

In other news, this reminded me of a certain award-winning blogger:
A while back, I had to review a book by an ‘award-winning’ author. It was an excellent book. I phoned the writer to get some background information and to try to ascertain whether my assumptions about the author’s background knowledge were right. ‘That award you won… What was it?’

‘Oh, just one of those awards you know, like the Whitbread, or the Booker.’

‘…and its name?’ I pressed, baffled by his vagueness,

‘Well, if you must know, I awarded it to myself,’ He confessed.

I remarked on his initiative.

‘Yes, the established literary cartels were slow in coming forward to recognise new and interesting talent, due to their entrenched self-interest, so I pre-empted them and awarded myself a literary prize. It has done wonders for my book sales and everyone seems impressed. Even my mother refers to it to her friends.’

We moved on to other topics, but before we ended the call, he said ' You know, there were two strange things about that award, …Firstly, after I awarded it to myself, I felt oddly elated, as if some august academic body had suddenly realised my true worth as an author and had strained every sinew to ensure that my talent was acknowledged. ' ’


‘… and what was the other strange thing?’

‘You are the first person ever to have asked me precisely what award it was that I’d won. Everybody else has just taken it for granted.’

Ogg the Caveman said...

That guy's lucky he didn't attract the same scrutiny as someone we all know.