Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Project SCOBY Doo™ Ponders Wayward Whale Casey Plankton Connection

SFGATE: Wildlife officials hope that two wayward whales spotted Tuesday evening near the Port of Sacramento will stay put long enough to be examined today and possibly led back to sea.

These wayward humpback whales were last seen in the West Sacramento area. Project SCOBY Doo™ suspects one of Casey Serin’s plankton kombucha labs may have played a role in leading them off course. Further details to follow.

Update: Experts examining wayward whales


Akira said...

Casey's plankton experiments have absolutely nothing to do with it. Since Stephanie J. can't make it, the whales decided to head to Sacramento to kick Casey's ass.

Anonymous said...

Whale update:

Aspeth said...

LOL....the fate of the poor algae-eating fish does not look good!