mixed mediums with taxidermy goat, rubber tire and tennis ball, ca. 42 x 63 x 65 in., Moderna Museet, Stockholm
I particularly love his collage and found object Neo-Dada work from the 1950's.

Untitled (Man with White Shoes)
ca. 1954
mixed mediums with taxidermy hen and a pair of painted leather shoes, ca. 87 x 237 x 26 in.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

mixed mediums, ca. 75 x 32 x 8 in.
Museum of Modern Art

Fat is in, in art. Murst!
Hmmm, let's just say that is not something I'd like hanging over my sofa and can't ever imagine paying $35 million for the privilege of doing so - assuming I had the funds available.
It just goes to show you that most wealthy people have no taste.
I've never heard of him but I'm a big fan of taxidermy goat, rubber tire and tennis ball art in general. Thanks.
In unrelated news, I wish my work would get one of these instead of one of these.
We all must make sacrifices:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush said on Tuesday he quit playing golf in 2003 out of respect for the families of Americans killed in the war in Iraq.
Perhaps you could suggest it?
If they are leasing the building, though, they probably don't consider it their problem.
Yes, such a compassionate president.
It's OK To Believe In Aliens
"With this budget, it is kind of 'Hey, California, you can have it all and now gaming interests and gaming revenues will pay for it — the schools, the health care system, public safety,'" the Democrat said. "It's not unlike Countrywide (Financial Corp.) telling people you can have this house for no money down and interest-only payments."
Regarding W's golf sacrifice: Terrorism is your creation Mr. Bush!
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