Another hat tip to Wagga for this one:
A Japanese council employee has set what is likely to remain an unbreakable record for surfing porn at work, after visiting an impressive 750,000 smut websites in just nine months at the rate of 20 pages for each minute he was sat at his desk.
According to the BBC, the unnamed 57-year-old "works" for the city of Kinokawa in southern Japan. During his web pornathon, he clocked up an average of 10,000 grumble pages a day, something that went unnoticed because "each employee's desk was set apart from the others", as a council official put it.
This superb effort was only discovered when his computer caught a nasty case of the clap - a virus which prompted the powers that be to peruse his browser history. They discovered he'd been most (in)active during July last year, when he "surfed for porn more than 177,000 times during office hours".
Quite remarkably, no marching orders were forthcoming for the outrage, but rather a demotion and a cut in wages of 20,000 yen (£80) a month - a figure which by our reckoning works out at just 0.096p for every page he's no doubt still tirelessly examining every four weeks. ®
Happy Fishnet Friday BTW!
I tend to agree with the Something Fishy commenter who writes:
Something Fishy
By Nick Pettefar
Posted Friday 2nd May 2008 13:17 GMT
10,000 grumble pages a day is impossible. Unless the mark is downloading automatically he cannot be looking at so many pages. There is something, most likely something rather large, missing from this story. I think it has been made from the headline rather than the opposite.
If he spends ten hours a day in his office, 10,000 pages is only 3.6 seconds per page. Not long enough to wank to (unless he's accelerated his body like in Star Trek) and quite a number of those pages will take longer than that to appear on his screen.
I wonder what is really going on here. Some trick played on him by a rival worker with some computing skills maybe? Someone in the IT department making a colossal mistake? I wonder how they have calculated this? Did they accidentally include the whole council's records?
In other strange Fishnet Friday news: 'Sex pest' seal attacks penguin
There must be an angle. I'm guessing he was getting paid by the click.
Here's some additional details:
"These were foreign ’adult sites’ and they got through the security net" that the city had installed for its computers, he said.
"The man apologised each time we spoke to him, but we couldn’t quite get him to explain to us why he did this," Ueyama added.
He did it because porn is more fun than work.
OT PhDiva update: On Being an Obamacon
He did it because porn is more fun than work.
No doubt, but he was going at it like he was trying to set a world record or something.
I'd sure like to post a World Porn Record, but I'm too tired and it's Friday so it will have to wait.
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