Artist's Comments
Photographer: Michael Ellis of Toledo, Ohio
Model: Me
About: This is perhaps the tame and graceful bit of the series. This was shot for 'trash the dress' - a publication featuring wedding fashion that gets destroyed in the process of the shoot. Every girl has that dress in her closet..that aweful, ugly bridesmaid dress that should be lit afire..this is one of those dresses.
I hate dresses - particularly those in horrid Easter egg pastels - yet my best friend is finally getting married (and going slightly insane in the process) so I spent much of the day trying on overpriced and utterly silly dresses I will never wear again. It seems so wasteful.
While her older sister's toddler was screaming and crawling on the floor like a bilingual monkey (French/English) in need of Ritalin, much of my time was spent suggesting that Martha Stewart pastels and sequins were a bit much and subtle designs preferable.
Does anyone understand WTF is going on in Guam BTW? The Democrats have such a Byzantine system.

Trash the Dress 2 by `lady-atropos
Bear in mind that bridesmaids' dresses are selected to ensure that the bride is the best-looking woman in the wedding party. Just hope they don't make you wear a lampshade.
I can deal with the lampshade concept as long as it isn't pastel.
Other find: Shark vs. Octopus
For those who have access, I've posted my In-N-Out Burger experience in the other place.
Off-topic (but that's on-topic here, right?): Akubi, I read at EN that you want to be a gene genie. Surely this can be accomplished. Bioinformatics can be your entry point; you just need to find a startup suitable to your needs. Algal biodiesel sounds promising, as it can even be produced in the swimming pool of a foreclosed home. With koi to eat the algae, and giant squid to eat the koi, this scheme could finally release the economy from fossil-fuel dependence, as well as placing a floor on the housing market. It would truly be a win-win state of affairs.
I thought Guam was going heavily for the Bam-o-man.
Hey ogg,
Mortgage fraud is so easy, even a cave man can do it...
If KC can do it, of course a caveman can. We're a more evolved form of life than he is.
Algae is clearly a more evolved life than he is!
I tend to think algae is the only hope for biofuel and have posted similar thoughts on making use of foreclosed pools in such a manner. I'm also a fan of spirulina, but I can't imagine eating anything grown in a pool like Casey's in Modesto. Thanks for the Oilgae link. I've added to my blog feeds.
It looks like he won by only 7 votes and they'll split the delegates. I am *so* sick of this election, but it's rather hard to remain in Hillary ignore mode, when her maniacal face pops up in all my news feeds.
9 devices that are clearly compensating for a small penis
But do you think Limo Bob's pool includes koi and solar algae?
For fun, a few months ago (while the worst of the Bush administration Constitutional abuses were coming to light) a couple of friends and I set up gulagwealthfund.com (GWF) to track the performance of stocks that would go up in an economic environment of deprivation and loss of civil rights: a virtual medieval ETF. As it says on the home page of the site, to qualify for inclusion:
"All companies or investments listed must either be involved in prison, intelligence, surveillance, or military operations or be directly positioned to profit from tyranny and collapse in civil society. They must have oligarchic rights over essential resources/infrastructure/contracts in a sovereign nation or must receive government subsidy, guarantee or monopoly protection, thus freeing the investment from competition costs."
@ Akubi:
I think his pool is actually a repurposed koi breading pond.
As if we needed anymore evidence that Billary is a neo-con, she threatens to "obliterate" Iran if they attack Israel. She serves her Israeli masters well. They have nukes and can retaliate on their own, but that's not good enough, that bloodthirsty bitch wants to kill 80 million people and start world war 3.
Of course, but I bet it's the size as those cheap kiddie pools.
I know. She is sounding as bad as George W with the Iran comments, use of "with us or against us" language and writing off Economists as elitists.
Given the financial and foreign policy mess we're in, I find these statements *very* disturbing.
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