Happy Fishnet Friday!
Some fishnets for Casey this week...
Agent Lover's Madonna Inn set
Fishnets of the future...? (Hat tip to Wagga) Maz Giggles by *JOOPninja
John and Rielle explain morality:
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
Agent Lover's Madonna Inn set
Fishnets of the future...? (Hat tip to Wagga) Maz Giggles by *JOOPninja
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Damn. Foiled again.
Like much of the country I've pretty much been in Edwards Ignore Mode since he dropped out of the race.
I rode home from work by a different route today. It's a bit longer than the usual, but also flatter and more scenic. It took about the same time and felt better, but I didn't like the mood of traffic. I wasn't in any danger at all, but several drivers crossed into the other lane on curves to pass me. One of those happened when I was going the speed limit.
When I've rode that route on the weekend it's been much more sedate. I think everyone was in a hurry to get home from their looser W-2 jobs.
In other news, my cats have discovered the local noctournal rodent population. Girl Kitty stares raptly out the window for hours at a time. Boy Kitty on the other hand deals with them the same way Casey deals with his mail.
Always assume the worst about politicos and you'll seldom be disappointed.
A consultant's take on the CA payroll software situation
This estimate is ridiculous. The article says that this system has “tens of thousands” of lines of COBOL code, making it very small by modernization standards. A few million lines would be more typical. [...] So the estimate in this article is inflated by… by… I can’t even compute it in my head… 8850%.
I suspect that much of the difficulty is there isn't any documentation of what the existing code does other than the code itself, and nobody who's left understands it.
Steroids rot your brain, kidz.
That looks like some of the douches on dirty scotsdale.
Akubi-Dooby-Doo... it's my new "TrueCasey™ " blog.
Right here!. It'll be moved to its own domain soon, or so says my wannabe hetero alter-ego. ;-)
Comment away!
I love unicorns? WTF?
Is that *really* Casey? Without all of the gay references, at first glance it seems possible.
Vista has the smell of death
Yes, it's really him -- he's been posting at CHC recently about the new blog. Like I said, if a purported "Casey" is acting hetero, it's the real one. :-)
As far as I'm concerned Vista has failed.
Hmmm, I wonder how long it will last. A week?
Hmmm, I wonder how long it will last. A week?
That may be a bit generous... ;-)
I suppose it depends on whether Mommy and Daddy continue to force-feed him his lithium.
I Rub My Fishie™ Follow-Up:
While perusing the local adult toy store last night, this cute collection caught my eye but when I saw I Rub My Fishie blowing "I Want to be Your Koi Toy!" bubbles I knew I had to have it. I still can’t find the USB connector for my camera or I’d post photos of the packaging details.
In other news, I set my alarm this morning so I’d be available to run some ETL processes for some parallel testing today and – as usual – they’re behind and it looks like I’ll be stuck in a holding pattern today.
Sweet find, Akubi. Despite what certain serial fraudsters used to say, I think that rubbing one's fishy on a regular basis is a healthy thing. At least, if one can do it without picturing a certain pleather-clad real estate agent and pool expert.
In related news, Casey claims to have a FICO score of 450.
Sorry, slightly bad link. Once you click it, you have to scroll up to see what I'm talking about.
I am all around blog-challenged today.
Casey claims to have a FICO score of 450.
The good news is that will keep him out of trouble - in addition to the end of stated income loans.
Finally done with work crap and was chatting with my mom about the Edwards scandal:
Mom: "I just don't know where his head was."
Me: "Umm, I think we know exactly where it was."
Mom: "I didn't mean to phrase it that way."
edgar wuz heer!
NFI what the context is, but I'm sorry, all of our rooms are octopied.
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