Hat tip to Wagga for this fishnet joke from 1,600 BC:
"How do you entertain a bored pharaoh?
You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish."

When I was a little kid I loved this version of My Way as opposed to Edgar's Elvis version.
While I wasn't old enough to see the Sex Pistols, I did see Nina Hagen in middle school:
Scratch that - this is more like I remember her. She freaked me out, but I was still intrigued with her.
Mursty! That's not nice, give someone else a chance.
Will do on the kitty photo. :)
Pharaohs and fishing nets might be the world's oldest joke, but the current world's biggest joke is me.
Future civilizations will hold the name "Casey Serin" up as a shining example of how backward early 21st-century human beings were.
Sweet media!! :-D
I think the folks around here have enough Internet Awareness™ to understand that you are mursty murstperson. We want kitty pix!
Hey Casey,
I agree that you are one really funny joke or your legacy wouldn’t have survived. How about a career as a standup comedian?
In other news, I have a zit on the side of my nose that is expanding like a cancer across my face. It is one of those deep ones that remind me how vain I really am at heart. Sadly, Casey and I share the same complexion and occasional zit from hell. Other than that, I have nothing in common with him.
@ Edgar:
Congrats on the kittycat.
@ Akubi:
The black cat on fishnets looks kind of like the one that's on my lap right now.
California Game Warden and Highway Patrolman: Excuse me ladies, but we'd like to see your fishing licenses.
Fishnet Vixen #1: Well, I'll be, it's the Fish and Chips!
Are you wearing fishnets?
We want the pix! I love kittens.
BTW, is it just me or is Dawg's blog un-accessible?
EN is up.
The kitten is still wiff his mama, maybe early next week.
weaned. weeened, weenie, weeened! Mew!
I get "operation aborted" when I click on EN. The little kitten must be very young. Good idea to wait until he's weaned, because my neurotic stray kitty didn't have that opportunity so I had to feed her a bunch of kitty milk stuff from the pet store via a bottle. She really never bonded with anyone other than me.
Other than Privoxy I'm banned from EN today. I guess it is all good!
Take good care of the little kitten.
How about a slice of this.
How about a career as a standup comedian?
Sure, why not... anyone could just compile a list of Polish jokes or "dumb blonde" jokes and replace Polish/blonde with "Casey Serin" :-)
A Frenchman, a German, and Casey Serin are scheduled to be executed by firing squad. They bring out the Frenchman and stand him in front of the pole. "Ready, Aim..."
The Frenchman points and shouts, "Tornado!" The rifleman all look and the Frenchman runs away. Next, they place the German in front of the firing squad. "Ready, Aim..."
He yells "Earthquake!" They all hit the dust and the German escapes.
Last up is Casey Serin. The guards point their rifles at his heart... "Ready, Aim..."
Casey looks around, and shouts "Fire!!" ;-)
Hey Casey,
Gotta problem with blondes with big zits?
Check out how into their guitar the Interpol guyz are!
Gotta problem with blondes with big zits?
Hell no... I myself have girly blonde highlights and freakishly large zits, and I generally look for the same qualities in other men. ;-)
I think it may in fact be dark enough to recycle my crap, get my mail and not have anyone see the evil zit tumor taking over my face.
Have another slice dear...
I can hear that one on the right: "Doctor it hurts here when I do thus and such, and here after I eat large bags of chips and soda pop..."
Good grief!
This from someone @ Mish's:
Other bloggers at CR have complained of trouble getting on blog sites...
So I plastered all of this makeup over my zit from hell and it looks reasonably OK from the distance, but up close it reminds me of 80's TV or Sarah Jessica Parker's mole.
We want the kitten pix!
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