Sometimes I tend to get rather depressed in the early stages of a migraine hence my comments last night. After spending the day in bed sleeping and avoiding light and sound, I'm feeling much better. Itsallgood!
I'm reading a rather interesting book about Turing and Gödel, A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines, but I find the writing style a bit odd. I'm not sure why the narrator suddenly chooses to insert herself in the story, but I particularly like the Moritz Circle scenes in Vienna when everyone idolized Wittgenstein except for Gödel. Apparently it was fashionable to dress in his casual tie-less white shirt manner. Many years ago I went through a Wittgenstein phase and even painted a portrait of him which I’ll include if I can find the image. Perhaps it is on my other laptop. So far I don't find Turing as interesting.
Let me be murst to say that I'm glad you are feeling better. :)
Thanks Edgar!
I left another link on some other post to this foreclosed fat cat, but it just can't be missed. I worry about Akubi's girth and he weighs about 13 pounds. As a tri-colored Pom, Tanuki has a somewhat larger frame so I'd say he's OK at 12 pounds - yet their combined weight is nearly half of that cat! My cat only weighs about 7 lbs. A 44 pound cat is just unbelievable.
Hi akubi,
The mrs. wants a kitty, but I have held out so far. I told her it will have to be a small kitty when the time comes. I sent her that link with the message: "Don't even think about it". LOL
The mrs. wants a kitty, but I have held out so far.
Why? Generally, they aren't 44 pounds and are a lot lower maintenance than dogs. I've had my little stray cat, KooKoo for 12 years and she hasn't required much effort or investment - unlike my dogs. I think she's too neurotic to get herself in much trouble or to eat so much she exponentializes her weight.
We had a cat that died a few years ago. It was a bit of a psycho, and had long hair too. The house we are in is small, but it could be manageable. I want to wait until after we sell next year and move to a bigger house. I'm not a cat person myself, I like dogs better, but would prefer neither. We will end up with a cat sooner or later but right now I am the bad guy, and I want some concessions. Size, weight, sex, length of hair, bigger house, etc.. It has caused no small amount of unhappiness over the last few weeks, especially since the sister's cat had kittens a short time ago. Sigh.
Glad you're feeling better. When you are sad I feel it too.
@ Akubi:
I'm glad you're feeling better.
@ Edgar:
I take it, based on the size consideration, that you're thinking of getting an adult cat.
I take it, based on the size consideration, that you're thinking of getting an adult cat.
ogg, You see, therein lies part of the dilemma. She will probably want a kitten, and judging from the size of the mother with the whereabout of the tom unknown puts us in a bit of a guessing mode. The mother is smaller, but the three kittens under consideration are all male. They are small now, but who knows? I would prefer a smallish short haired nice tempered female. After what I went through with the last two I am sticking to my guns, in spite of every wifely manipulation trick known to man. I've got to be strong, got to try to hang on... [/rocky horror]
Except for the job part, this could be Casey.
Edgar, FWIW I don't think that gender has a huge impact on personality as long as they get fixed reasonably early. However, a lot of people think male cats are more even tempered and affectionate.
Of my two, the male is the more actively affectionate but also needier and whinier when he doesn't get his way.
"and I ain't seen no queen in her damned undies, as the feller says..."
You guys should see who just popped in at CHC:
uhh ... "me" ... with a long rambling post about Christian values, and a few other posts where "I" all but admit to being a shiftless loser.
It's all good! :-)
Actually the best and least psycho cat I ever had, Earnest, was a male.
Thanks. I hate to add to your lack of optimism ;).
I love his description of homeless: "I prefer 'urban outdoorsman.'"
Do you have a link?
I found it.
Classic Casey:
And then I discovered real estate.
I thought, "sweet, I will work SMART instead of HARD". Problem is that "smart" quickly turned into "shady". I kept thinking this is "gray area" trying to justified it in my mind. I want to succeed so bad I ignored my consciousness.
I caved on the little male kitten, in part because of what ogg and akubi wrote.
We want: Fishnet Friday!!
Hi Edgar,
You'll have to post pictures!
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