Rob Dawg seems to be a Cthulhutard these days as was I - not to mention my Nietzsche phase yet now I believe Kierkegaard is right for America. Kierkegaard 2008!
Paid for by Americans sick of paying for shit.In other news, this cracked me up...

Sorry I missed your party: The beer box hat I've seen before, but the Coors Lite cardboard sarong is something new. I guess everyday is a beautiful new journey for guys with giant tribal tattoos, right?
Party on, Søren!
Jeez, and people harp on McCain for being a doddering old man at age 71...
Kierkegaard is pushing 200, for heaven's sake. ;-)
Kant sucks. He deserves Coors Light.
Blame the French!
I thought this was funny.
Fox Snews Reports:
McCain doesn't like Obama's shoes.
McCain approves of Obama's tie.
McCain thinks Obama's hair needs gel.
McCain disapproves of Obama's tailor.
Rice Adviser: Iraq Invasion was 'F*cking Stupid'
@ Akubi:
I searched that page for "Walnuts". I was not disappointed.
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