This and many other bizarre posters can be found at Wrong side of the art via PCL LinkDump.
UPDATE: I fixed the link above. Also, forgot to mention that this old movie poster reminds me of the horrid Russian experiment with a dog:
I believe this is the
UPDATE #2: It appears to be some sort of Schiavo-related remix.
UPDATE #3: WTF? Ogg forwarded me this utterly screwed up formula that suggested:
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 26%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 74%
Mursty me!
Damnit. I saw the post in my feedz with no comments, got all excited for some sweet mursting, and then found that my comment feed was lagging.
@ Ogg
So you are an old lag?
OT, but I've been massively focusing on this blog since discovering it the other day.
Hey Guyz,
I have far too many feeds so they're always lagging more than they should.
I love this old hate-filled colostomy bag post on Wonkette.
I really don't like stools and truffles mixed together.
BTW I wish Wonkette would get rid of the chick in the bathing suit on the left. It looks rather suspicious at the office.
I ran the "Social History" script; it gave me an error message -- something about a buffer overflow on the likelihood that I was female. ;-)
Sweet Casey!
I don't feel so bad.
Don't forget to Be Polite!
Dang you ogg, I've been reading that damn blog for hours now. It's friggin' 2:30 a.m. here, I only dropped by to leave a nice comment and look what happens. Ugh!
Weird. I just ran the browser history gender prediction script at work where I have a lot more technical feeds and none of the NSFW ones and had the same results:
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 26%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 74%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 74%
Well, Akubi, your apparent manly butch-ness would be a great compliment to my hyper-girly femme-ness.
Want to form a dynamic Power Team™...? ;-)
I think I'll pass on the Power Team™ concept. PrLinkBiz is more your type anyway. Perhaps you can repair that relationship.
Caseypedia sure is slow these days.
KC, if you want to enter into a relationship with a female I suggest you find the butchest (and richest) heterosexual on the planet.
Caseypedia sure is slow these days.
Well, there's only so many ways to report that a person naps 23 hours per day... :-D
Maybe if I actually *did* something that involved opening my eyes, they'd have something new to write. heh.
McCain is aware of all internet traditions: "I do understand the importance of the computer. I understand the importance of the blogs," he said.
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