BREAKING NEWS UPDATE! Like most parties these days I am *not* sorry I missed this one.
Parties suck.
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Printing press included?
Murses. Foiled again.
Hi Guyz!
At some point I went through a weird vintage board games collection phase, but I missed this one. Has anyone played it?
Be the player who collects the most Shenaniganzas
During lazy summer reading daze, I tend to enjoy historical fiction and non-fiction. I have a few off-hand thoughts about the ongoing wars of the past...
It must have been easier to rally the troops when decent sewer systems were non-existent.
Without the interwebs and TV, people were often bored out of their minds, so another war provided entertainment value - even if the war at hand was utterly pointless.
These days, that is not the case, of course. While the Bush Admin has behaved like a degenerate monarchy, they also want us to continue consumption of all of the stuff that makes war boring in the first place because it supposedly "fuels the economy". You can’t have it both ways – even if they both suck.
Scattered thoughts that return to my ongoing confusion and interest in the connection between war and consumption.
Politicians like this as well.
Akubi, come on -- it says right there on the cover, "For Ages 5 to 12".
Now I like board games as much as the next guy, but I can't play something so advanced. ;-)
Hi Casey!
You still managed to get some Sweet loans anyway so itsallgood, right?
I think I learned everything I needed to know about life (as we know it) playing Monopoly - and that was in the same age-range, right?
Stagflation - is that why I had a dream of an adult male deer with his horns cut off to nothing more than a pulp?
In case you didn't know - the stagflation anon above was me unable to log into Blogger.
Someone left a cardboard McCain cutout (life size) in the cubicle of an Obama supporter. A woman walks by, sees it, and asks: "Who is that?". HAHAHA!! Never underestimate the ignorance of the masses. HAHAHA!!
McCain = Bob Dole. (Bob Dole approves this message)
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