As we wait in anticipation for a new (unmoderated) blog as well, how about another 6 Degrees of Casey Serin game? Suggestions?
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Please tell me he's starting a blog.
Please tell me it'll be unmoderated.
Please tell me I can get murst!
Pillsbury doughboy.
Ho! New stylist, same blue shirt? I wonder who took the picture. A professional? Or another G?
Who is paying for is lovely highlights?
The big white tie disturbs me too.
How about KC to Tattoo on Fantasy Island?
Great find, good work people!
As we wait in anticipation for a new (unmoderated) blog as well...
Not a chance, he can't handle the haterz(tm), they are too much for him to mentally cope. Snowflake is a tender little guy emotionally, physically, etc..
If that picture isn't undeniable proof of my flamboyant "festiveness", I don't know what is! ;-)
Who is paying for his lovely highlights?
Technically, the IRS is... you know, because I'm using the money that I should've paid them a year ago to fund my slacker lifestyle.
Technically you've been wearing a wig from Day 1.
Edgar's Toilet update!
Technically you've been wearing a wig from Day 1.
No wig, although with regards to hair on my face, I used to have a beard. ;-)
Activity at CaseyPedia
My dream house is back on the market. I think I might have a hard time getting a loan for $65 million though.
Akubi, you're too late... a consortium of mortgage fraudsters, including myself, just finagled an $80 million loan for the property, with $15 million cash back at closing.
Ah, wait... it's already back on the market. We've already defaulted. ;-)
I hate to imagine what you could do to that lovely pool.
In other news, I'm pretty pissed with Blogger. I seem to have reached some image upload limits (this is Akubi who couldn't upload to Edgar's Toilet as-is). WTF?
It's all Zillow Book's fault.
I'm glad to see somebody's still minding the switch at Caseypedia.
@ Akubi:
I feel your pain™, but you have to admit that for a free service they let you post a hell of a lot of porn per account.
@ NotAnOptimist:
I believe it's a new blue shirt. It's a slightly lighter tint.
Somehow I think Casey Serin to Terry Childs would be too easy.
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