Happy Fishnet Friday!


Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
My sweet murstness shall reign eternal. MURST!
Why don't I ever get to be first? Paris, that's in France, right?
Are French koi snooty?
Why don't I ever get to be first?
Hmm, I can't imagine why.
Paris, that's in France, right?
There's a Paris in Texas too, but the street art is in France.
Are French koi snooty?
I'm not all that familiar with French koi, so I couldn't say, but I think people in San Francisco are snootier than Parisians. Anyway, TGIF!
It looks like I'll have to put my celebrations on hold for a bit. Tanuki just had a massive diarrhea event in the garden and the stinky stuff is now stuck to the fur around his ass...Sooo on to the task that's even worse than cleaning the cat box: cleaning my dog's ass.
Paris, Texas, home of the other Eiffel Tower.
Happy Fishnet Friday akubi!
You too, Edgar!
Dogs' butts are clean.
Now they're discussing moral hazard on The News Hour and it is rather amusing.
Something about the words "moral hazard" leads me in many different directions - philosophical, economic and otherwise.
Is it just me or does that FishNetPond look slightly green? Also, Vista sucks. It's Fishnet Friday though, so itsallgood.
In my corner of the blogosphere, I believe I declared Vista sucks over a year ago (not that it means anything).
Yes, all "FishNetPond look slightly green"! I guess Swaby could help us out with that one..
Itsallgood if my dogs would stop farting.
Sweet Alfred Hitchcock films featured on PBS tomorrow night!
Generalized insanity alert! Go here (last post by a cynical Syrian blogger, maybe the secret police got him) and go to the bottom, to the comment by "Dora":
"I am the daughter of the man, whose face is identical to Joann Paul II... I lived with adopting family in Yekaterinburg in the place of killing Royal Romanov family... After many specific medical operations, my leg became passport, which couldn,t be forged. I demand to change my managers and carers, and I look for a country which could accept me and defend me."
And don't miss the fugitive Nazi of Goa, Johann Bach! (Backstory.)
Wow, now that's some serious generalized insanity! I didn't realize some of Berkeley's street prophets/conspiracy theorists had moved to Syria.
BTW I couldn't help but note this in the blog post:
What happened is that Naser Don Kichote and his underlings all over the Arab world repeated what their looser predecessors did in the year 1948.
Since I'm having trouble making much sense of the whole thing, I'm not sure he meant "looser" or "loser"...
Perus Narkp doesn't exactly sound German either. Pretty funny. I'm surprised they haven't pulled the article.
If Casey is around I found some big papa bears for him - in a pool no less!
There is also Paris, KY. That must be where the bear pool is. tee hee
Don't forget Paris, Hilton. ;)
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: I got fishnets this evening!
So my BF and me went out for Thai food this evening and I discovered that when in the U.S. German and French little kids are as annoying as their American counterparts. All the little monkeys nearly ruined our meal, but it wasn't all bad. Afterwards we explored a cute little "Adult" shop where they had big penis pinatas and lots of fishnets! Woohoo!
I got a cheap pair for only 3.99 and they're fairly comfortable. In addition, I scored some Amber Sun shimmer cream that made my dogs want to hump my leg when I got home and some Climax Heat gel - not to mention a cute little battery activated thingy. Woohoo! Perhaps I laughed too much about all of the silly products because some of the more "discreet" customers took off while I was there. Nonetheless, it was fun.
If Casey is around I found some big papa bears for him
heh, most of those guys would crush my delicate 95-pound boi-ish frame. It's all good! :-)
"Naser Don Kichote" would be a cross between Nasrudin (Nasr ad-Din), the Forrest Gump of Sufi humor, and Don Quixote, and must refer either to Nasser of Egypt, who led the Six Day War, or Nur ad-Din al-Atasi, who was president of Syria at the time. ("King Lion", throughout the article, by the way, refers to Syria's current president, or his father; Assad means lion.) So Karfan definitely meant "loser".
@ Akubi:
Are you going to post any pictures of your hot ass in fishnets?
Good to know. I just don't understand how people confuse "loser" and "looser".
Maybe I'll post them on Zillow Book one of these days. Until then you'll just have to leave it to your imagination.
Itsallgood. I have a pretty good imagination.
Like so much else, it goes back to the Fed, and its "looser monetary policy" after 9/11.
As I mentioned earlier over at Lou's place, I find it quite disturbing that only 35% of Americans knew who the flying-F Bernanke is. No wonder we're screwed!
That's pathetic.
Everything went seriously downhill after 9/11 and it had very little to do with the Twin Towers IMHO. It was the beginning of our lost decade.
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