More from this absinthe series here.

In unrelated news, (for those who missed it in the comments in the last post) this is the menu the G8 leaders enjoyed while discussing the world food crisis:

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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
... after I drink too much wheatgrass, they call me "The Green Fairy" as well. ;-)
Emphasis on "Fairy".
M U R S T !!! ;-)
KC hammers out two good comments just like that (snaps fingers). BOOM BOOM, out go the lights!
Them girlz be trippin'. :\
My sweet gasoline-free commute caused me to miss murst. If I'd driven, I would have been home in time.
Also, is that beluga caviar on the menu?
Somehow I knew you would run with the fairy concept. If you were to become a regular absinthe drinker, I wonder what percentage of your day wouldn't involve napping.
You almost had a third murst in a row. Oh well.
Hi Ogg!
Well, it is good to be green!
Also, is that beluga caviar on the menu?
Yes, there's caviar, but I would imagine it's probably of the local Japanese variety, but you never know...Price (and extinction) is no object when you're a world leader.
That menu sure makes me salivate though.
If you were to become a regular absinthe drinker, I wonder what percentage of your day wouldn't involve napping.
Well, however little I'd be awake, I'd also be hallucinating at the same time.... it probably wouldn't be too bad; I'm currently hallucinating vast sums of wealth as I sit atop a fictitious real estate empire, and that's *without* any drugs! ;-)
Most of the items on that menu included at least one word I don't know. I think I could navigate the drinks and snacks in safety, but that's about it.
I'd eat all the raw fish, caviar and truffles too! But would pass on the baby lamb dish.
Due to high temps, signing out for the green fairy in my dreaming brain.
I hope the chef spit on the lamb after he cooked it.
G-8 Summit leaders hottie rundown scored by 18-course dinners
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