The crowded future stings my eyes
I still find time to exercise
In uniform with two white stripes
Unlock my section of the sand
It's fenced off to the water's edge
I clamp a gasmask on my head
On my beach at night
Bathe in my moonlight
Another tanker's hit the rocks
Abandoned to spill out it's guts
The sand is laced with sticky glops
O' shimmering moonlight sheen upon
The waves and water clogged with oil
White gases steam up from the soil
I squash dead fish between my toes
Try not to step on any bones
I turn around and I go home
I slip back through my basement door
Switch off all that I own below
Dive in my scalding wooden tub
My own beach at night
Electric moonlight
There will always be a moon
Over marin
Yes, George W. Retard behaving like a typical aging frat boy again.
Somewhere I may have already linked to this Internet Tradition: Preznit giv me turkee
I wanted to attend college for the obvious increased job opportunities, but no accredited university offers a major in freeloading. ;-)
Too bad, since I would've aced the courses... when I was only 5, I was already mooching at a 10th-grade level!!
Keg Delivery
What's up with that guy's neck anyway?
Thick necks disturb me.
They remind me of Arnold and steroids and generalized stupidity.
I'm sure "Casey Serin" will have something to say about that.
Thick necks are weird, artificial and thoroughly freak me out, i.e., once Henry Rollins developed a thick neck I denied all previous interests in Black Flag.
In fact, I rejected and denounced it!
Marin is a hell of a lot hotter now than it was when I was a little kid beating up other kids on the school bus (and getting kicked off via the PTO) because they were pro-Reagan. I hated Reagan from day 1, but probably spent too much time listening to college radio and other stuff as a youngster.
We can woohoo this and that, but Reagan was the beginning of the economic downfall of this country as we know it.
@ Akubi:
But at least Marin is part of the SF Bay Area, home to at least one world-famous nerd. He might even get to live on some very valuable real estate soon!
I think they caught keg delivery guy's supplier here in my state.
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