Via Wonkette, Here’s All Yer Palin Internet Crap:
Sarah Palin Origami, Sarah Palin Dress Up, Sarah Palin Sings “I Killed A Moose,” Sarah Palin Sounds Like Lady From ‘Fargo,’ Sarah Palin Quotes Generator, Interview Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Bingo, Sarah Palin Bingo: MSM version, Sarah Palin Dinosaur Art, Sarah Palin Amazon Wish List, Sarah Palin Movie Trailer, Politico’s Sarah Palin Thing, Sarah Palin and Darth Vader, Sarah Palin Family Meeting, Sarah Palin Porno Casting Call, Pictures Of People Around The World Pretending To Be Sarah Palin, Sarah PALINdromes, Love Song To Sarah Palin, Two People Sit In Front Of Their Computer And Sing About Sarah Palin, (the ballad of) S.P.P, and lastly, another Sarah Palin Quote Generator.
10/1/08 Palin Updates!
While "sipping the haterade" Wagga sent me this:
Alaskan Perspective:
* Troopergate
* Alaskan hunters oppose Palin’s hunting policies: Alaskan sport hunters oppose aerial hunting of bears and wolves, something Palin vehemently supports. The last ballot measure to limit aerial hunting was actually brought forth by a group of hunters! Sport hunters also oppose the shooting of bears habituated to human bear viewers, something Palin also supports. I hope people can realize that Palin is not your average Alaskan hunter feeding her family with game meat. She has a pathological vendetta against wildlife that is opposed by most Alaskans and most Alaskan hunters.
Classic Palin on Charlie Rose:
Don't forget to check out the Sarah Palin Fictional Quote Generator v1!
Updates to follow.
It was so predictable that we would get to a pity-poor-helpless-Sarah phase. The press was already warming up for it on the day McCain announced her as his running mate, when NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell speculated that McCain's choice was designed to declaw scrappy Joe Biden, whose aggressive style would come off as bullying next to the sweet hockey mom from Alaska. Now, of course, we know about the hockey moms and the pit bulls; the more-powerful-than-expected Palin juggernaut forestalled the pity/victim/mean boy/poor Sarah phase.
So here it is, finally. And as unpleasant as it may be to watch the humiliation of a woman who waltzed into a spotlight too strong to withstand, I flat out refuse to be manipulated into another stage of gendered regress -- back to the pre-Pelosi, pre-Hillary days when girls couldn't stand the heat and so were shooed back to the kitchen.
Oh, BTW Palin doesn't read anything!
She's got talent though!