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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
I seem to be the only one updating Edgar's Toilet these days. What's up with you and Ogg?
I seem to be the only one updating Edgar's Toilet these days. What's up with you and Ogg?
I can't speak for ogg, but you are doing fine. Nothing has really hit me to contribute lately.
Interesting deconstruction: The origins of cinematic pornography and the absence of contemporary pleasure is a http://www.sexoteric.com/blog/index.php/__show_article/_a000018-003851.htm
The interwebs is a funny place; while I'm not much of a people person Akubi has over 100 friends: http://www.shelfari.com/Akubi
Very interesting paper, especially the argument about porn reflecting the alienation of its audience. I wonder how well trends like the disappearance of affection from porn correlate with the decline of third places in the US.
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