In related news, isn't a cthulhu doll just the perfect X-mas present for that special little brat in your family?

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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
In unrelated news a unicycling doctor claims that humor 'comes from testosterone'.
I don't know what to say about the cthulhu doll, it is strangely appealing. Is that wrong?
@ Akubi:
I wonder if he was engaged in mountain unicycling. I haven't done it myself, but I understand that the idea is to fall down a lot.
@ Edgar:
I think all reactions to Cthulhu are wrong on some level.
If offered a first date with Ms. A - I profess some anxiety. Would she eat her hat?
I want a big, poisonous live cthulhu octopus hat to land on W and Cheney’s head.
Currently amused by "The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny from LA Opera" on PBS.
Generally I hate musicals.
Commentary on the unicycling professor: You know, James Bond had a unicycle
From that link:
I know I have often found myself sucking some cock without even meaning to, because I saw the unicycle and completely lost my mind with lust.
My unicycle should be here in 6 to 10 days. Thanks, Amazon!
It looks like you won't be the first caveman on a unicycle so you may have some competition.
@ Akubi:
No worries. One fall and that guy's out of the gene pool.
What about this guy?
A tall unicycle isn't a bad idea. It's probably quite a bit more stable. Falls would hurt more though.
I really want to suck this guy's cock.
A koi unicycle connection: Coi-Coi
@ Akubi:
Just a hunch, but you're probably not his type. As for the koi connection, I'm going to start saying "X needs Y like a koi needs a unicycle" instead of "like a fish needs a bicycle".
Octopus unicycle connection: Octo-Dude
Like a "koi needs a unicycle" sounds much more unique.
Akubi on a unicycle
Homey on a unicycle
This guy sure is sexy.
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