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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Murst! and, I like oranges.
I've been meandering down memory lane and was reminded of how I was impressed with the kid in The End Of The World As We Know It (And I feel Fine) REM video since most in my age group (at the time) couldn’t give a rat’s ass about anything – let alone the end of the world, but he had a cute little dog and I had a very big dog then. It all comes down to dogs in the end.
I like oranges too.
I don't feel fine about the end of the world, yet this song reminds me of my general state of thought as a kid...something I didn't outgrow other than a brief spell in the tech bubble when we had free sushi without avocado!
Interesting... I took a peek at the past earlier today when having lunch w/ a friend; she needed some advice on how to deal w/ her emo cousin, and so it triggered memories of me and my emo gang. Now half of us are doing fine, and the other half are either drugged up and nuts, or dead. Good times.
OT: My laptop's keyboard just crapped out on me. Hopefully this is temporary, or I will not be pleased.
I hope your laptop is OK. I keep at least two at hand these days.
I'm assuming "emo" is shorthand for emotional...?
With a bipolar strain in my family, I know what you mean. Whenever I think of at least half of my (living) relatives I thank God I'm not in their shoes.
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