Wednesday, December 5, 2007

U.S. Troops in Iraq Shooting Dogs and Cars

Edgar's link led me to this video of U.S troops in Iraq shooting a dog in the butt. There's something so sad and compelling about the Iraqi man leaning over his dog in the end.

Watching the man sobbing next to his dog I wonder if it was the last straw in a dismal life in Iraq. Perhaps I’m projecting and making assumptions. Does anyone know how this story ends?


Via Ze's take wood? we smash car

Edgar's Link above
They find that pathetic dog funny - and killing it just as entertaining? WTF?! I hate the Bush Admin and their F-ed up war I didn't vote for.

UPDATE! Edgar's Hanukkah post brought to mind some cute pictures of my boys, but I still can't find the Tanuki photo I had in mind.


Ogg the Caveman said...

*shakes head*

Anonymous said...

It is very sad. No wonder they hate us.

Anonymous said...

Your doggie is so cute!

Akubi said...

Thanks Edgar!

This doesn't exactly fall into the toilet category so I'll post it here: "I do get a bit windy - I am an old fart now," he said.

Anonymous said...

The fact that these ass hole fuck -offs would find pleasure in torturing a poor animal is suficient evidence of why iraq wants to kill americans. And after seeing this video, I don't blame them. In fact, give me a gun, imunity from prosecution (like blackwater) and I'll take the fuckers out.