Oxana Yambykh
Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
I'm tempted to change this blog to a black background. Thoughts?
You could always try it and see what you think, but I kind of like the white.
I like your pics. Beautiful Images here at Blog about a blog about a blog about a blog.
Anyway, I found a time trip for you in the form of a 1977
JC Penny catalog spread.
Tee he
While I think black highlights images better, it would probably be too confusing if all of my blogs were the same color. Wouldn't want to confuse SFW with NSFW.
Thanks! Of the artwork above, I was particularly intrigued with the chess playing "good question" one in the middle.
That lime green shag toilet seat is hilarious Edgar's Toilet material. Back to wrapping presents and then getting to bed, but I'll definitely post it there tomorrow unless someone else does first (hint, hint ;)).
While I don't eat meat (other than fish), culturally I seem to be an omnivore.
What are you?
I would've said that I'm an univore, except I'm a huge fan of Terracotta Warriors. (How can anyone not like Terracotta Warriors? Dead people!!) So I suppose I could be a paucivore...
Even worse, how could anyone dislike "any arts at all"?
The "TV or opera: which cultural group are you in?" descriptions seem awfully oversimplified. For example, there is plenty of art, music, theater, etc. that I dislike, but I don't dislike anything in the other options - and my dislikes are specific rather than categorical. Do you dislike anything avant-gard?
I'd be curious to see the questionnaire they actually used in the study.
Since I am unclear as to what exactly is "avant-garde", I cannot answer your question. I am unlikely to be found at a symphony. I've never been to an opera, and will likely deny any interest whatsoever in it. I will probably protest going to an art gallery/museum, or a musical, or a theatre production... but I'm very likely to enjoy it once I'm there. I don't do rock concerts, but that's more because I wouldn't know what to do at a concert. After all, I have a reputation to uphold: apathetic social recluse. ;)
I don't think I really fit into any of those categories. Inactives, in particular, seems like a strawman set up to make the other groups feel better about themselves. I doubt that there are many people who truly dislike all art, unless you use a very limited definition of art. That seems to be what the people behind the study did.
This bit also struck me as odd:
"Education and social status decided what people watched, listened to and attended rather than social class."
What, exactly, is the difference between social class and social status?
What, exactly, is the difference between social class and social status?
I would guess that Paris Hilton, for example, has social class, but lacks social status.
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