Thursday, December 6, 2007

Beyond Koi

UPDATE! More Toilet angst can be found at Edgar's Toilet.

Haiku for the koi by ~shadowcatv10

Japan is famous for its beautiful ponds stocked with colorful "Koi" carp - a close relative of the common goldfish. Some breeders are now moving beyond Koi to create even more unusual types of goldfish including scaleless, pearlescent varieties!
Japan's Goldfish Breeders Fish for Riches

In other news, I present Barack OBollywood via Neatorama.


Ogg the Caveman said...

What they really need to do is come up with a koi (that's a kind of a fish) that eats solar algae.

As for Barack OBollywood, I'm not sure what to make of it but it does remind me that a certain someone disappeared without ever delivering a long-promised Bollywood post.

Anonymous said...

I put a koi toi in the et blog. :D

Akubi said...

Yes, it reminds me of Aspeth's missing post, but it is a f-ing funny as hell video nonetheless.

Akubi said...

Speaking of angst...
Firemen armed with a handgrinder have come to the rescue of a man who got himself into a "situation" with a metal ring late at night.

Mitchell said...

Massive Dirac action leads to Koide relation!

FlyingMonkeyWarrior said...
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