Casey reincarnates as a UFO imam. Quote: "YAHWEH's bank accounts mean everything to His operations, especially those attached to online payment and donation systems like Pay Pal."

There really is an amazing similarity between Prophet Yahweh and Casey Serin!
The Pawn Shop Is Taking My $8,000 Laptop From Me
It looks like I have suffered another casualty since what little money I had was stolen from my bank account.My once state-of-the-art wireless broadband 17" laptop (a few years old) may now be the possession of the pawn shop.I spent $8,000 for this computer and its software.For me to get my laptop out of the pawn shop, I have to give them about $1,300.If anyone can help me save my laptop, please let me know.
Emergency $425 Needed To Get HD Camera Out Of Pawn Shop!
I sent you a release that explains the dream about YAHWEH revealing to me that the reason why He sent the spaceship to Costa Rica and not Nevada is because I did not have my Sony HD camcorder out of the pawn shop.
He told me to get it, but I forgot in my own way.
What I Did With Your $870 In Donations
As a result of all the negative things happening to me, back-to-back, like it recently did, I was never able to regroup.
So, I decided to take the little money I managed to raise in donations and do the most important things for YAHWEH's operations with it and suffer all my loses.
As most of you know, someone recently emptied my bank account without me knowing it.
I did not have a lot of money in it. There was only a little less than a thousand dollars in the bank account.
To make a long story short, YAHWEH's bank accounts mean everything to His operations, especially those attached to online payment and donation systems like Pay Pal.
These online systems require accounts at regular banks, and they are one of the most important earthly aspect of YAHWEH operations.
I Forgot To Mention $20 I Received
The reason why I plan to make full disclosure of all money I have ever received, and that which I receive from every solicitation effort in the future, is so each release will serve as my official version so that Contact TV, Inc. tax purposes.
I have to make sure that I cross my t's and dot all my i's because the first thing that the powers that be are going to do to me is audit me.But, I will never, ever under any circumstances reveal who my donors are, and that is a promise.I will give them all a code number that is unique to them.As a non-profit, tax exempt "religious" organization, I don't have to reveal the names of my donors.And, even if I am, I will not do it because it's none of the government's business.

The Financial Help I Received
If you remember, I asked for donations because of all the strange things that came upon me:
1. My "UFO Orientation Summoning Home" was set on fire.
2. My storage was broken into.
3. My car was stolen.
4. My bank account was robbed of all money I had.
And, there were other things that happened that set me back.
The thing that bothered me the most was my car being stolen.
I got that car so that I could get back into the Nevada desert and film the soon to come spaceship that is going to land there before me.
This was the main reason I asked for the people on my list for donations - I needed to rent a 4 wheel drive pick up or SUV.
Time was of the essence and I was broke.
I thought very hard about asking for help; I did not want to do it.
I loved the bit about the pawn shop stealing his laptop. It reminded me of the bank stealing from Casey. The guy is like Casey without the crazy-filter.
Do you suppose the aliens have sweet corporate credit that Casey could juice?
Do you suppose the aliens have sweet corporate credit that Casey could juice?
If he becomes a master UFO caller, I'm sure they do.
I wonder if Casey tried to create a non-profit, tax exempt "religious" organization for sweet deals.
Yahweh has a new post announcing Pick Up Truck Fundraiser:
Now that the credit cards I need are coming to me, I look forward to my first journey back into the deserts to film actual spaceships after the first one appears over an apartment building here.
I have begun double-checking the costs of renting a 4 wheel drive, especially on a consistent basis.
It appears that, depending on the model, I could spend between $150 and $350 a day for a good 4 wheel drive.
And, when it comes to extended stays, back in the desert for a week at a time, it could cost me over $1,000 - $2,000 per week!
I was blown away at this.
Hey, I could buy a good used 4 wheel drive for not much more!
With the blessings of YAHWEH, and the help of those who favor YAHWEH's cause, Contact TV, Inc. will have it's first off road vehicle for the filming of spaceships and UFOs in remote areas.
Click here if any of you would like to donate to helping me get a pick-up truck, and you'll be taken to my Pay Pal "Contact TV, Inc." one time donation page.
And from last month: The most merciful YAHWEH is waiting for me to figure out how to rent the SUV with me not having a credit card.
If only the most merciful YAHWEH would teach him cross-browser web design.
OT but perhaps since my parents are also Akubi and Tanuki's grandparents, I could relate to this article: Who Invited the Dog?
Eerily similar. Replace the word "Yahweh" with "blog" and it is perfect.
I tried posting a comment suggesting PY and KC could be a sweet power team on I Need An Investor - Why I Am Now A Business Man and received an error message.
It appears that Prophet Yahweh's blog may not post comments which might explain why there aren't any. Has anyone else tried?
Re: article "Who invited the Dog?"
I used to refer to my mom as "grandma" in front of my hamsters; it drove her nuts. It's just so easy for a bond to form between pets and their humans... I never expected to feel so strongly about a pair of rodents. Fortunately, they're now both in a far, far better place than this god-forsaken rock, so they don't have to deal with the disapproval of their grandparents/great-uncles/aunts/etc.
What happened to your hamsters?
I've had many, many pets of all sort (reptiles, mammals, koi, etc.), but I found hamsters particularly suicidal. I would come home from school and they were doing an Ophelia in the toilet.
I think I may have told you about Angst, my cute python with lots of allergies and issues.
Over the holidays my stepdad threatened to cut Angst off the toilet because he didn't feel like moving and guests were arriving.
Do you have any pets now?
The first of the dynamic duo succumbed to a tumor the size of a watermelon. The other actually managed to live to a ripe old age despite multiple attempts to leap off tall buildings. I came home and found her sprawled on her back, little paws in the air, all cold and stiff.
No pets for me, not now, probably not for quite some time. Instead, I've been drafted to cuddle a wailing newborn cousin. Babies are so cute when they aren't mine.
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