Overall, I think online grocery shopping is great, but not when I'm freezing my ass off and the case of Duraflame appears to be made for a fucking doll house upon delivery. They didn't include the fact that one log was approximately the same size as a Pomeranian's turd.
Now here's a thought: You could burn the Pomeranian turds too. You'd save money but it might stink, so maybe it's not such a sweet deal after all.
I once had a cat about the size of a pomeranian produce a duraflame-sized log - at least it seemed that way.
I scored a ton (or two) of wood for the FIL. Oak logs so big it'll take me half the summer to split it all. You can't possibly imagine the volume of downed trees. Get it while it's free was my thinking. Someone was kind enough to even cut them into 24" lengths. Not bragging, just making conversation. I worked my ass off, that's for sure.
Maybe if I could figure out a way to freeze dry the turds I could burn them - throw in some incense and it might not be so bad.
Well, I could use some of those oak logs, Edgar, because I guess these duraflame "logs" were meant to be firestarters rather than logs in and of themselves. When I put one in the fireplace and lit it, both Akubi and Tanuki looked at me like "You've got to be kidding" so we piled into bed since it was the only warm place in the house.
Electric blankets are nice. You can sleep in below freezing conditions.
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