The Failed Saffron Revolution
According to Wikipedia...
In 1963 Ne Win issued a decree that 50 and 100 kyat notes would cease to be legal tender giving the reasons that they were subject to hoarding by blackmarketeers and also financing of the various insurgencies. Limited compensation was offered but not universally taken up, and people's life savings were wiped out overnight. At least one insurgency, that of the ethnic Kayan, was triggered by this act. 'Demonetization' again occurred in 1987, this time affecting the 75 kyat notes which fuelled the simmering discontent that came to a head in 1988.
Ne Win was also noted for his interest in numerology. In September 1987 he ordered the Burmese currency, the kyat, to be issued in denominations of 15, 35, 45, 75 and 90 kyats, besides the existing 5 and 10 kyat notes. He reportedly changed the currency to add up to nine because an astrologer said he would live to 90 if he did this. Ne Win was also well known for his penchant for yadaya - cabalistic rituals and spells performed in order to ward off misfortune
In other news, this is my latest collection of search term poetry:
watch out for those falling houses
thinspo blinkies
zillow book
all songs by nicole serin
actress serin
casey lynch nude
ghandi vivisection
i to seem all 1dick
naked casey lynch
470 cep french loan brokerage
burmese blog
morgan o'brien public affairs officer
blog panties
fruit loops' days on saturday morning television
bardot hq brigitte
blog brigitte bardot
blog bestiality
dwayne dyer
chastity bra
bizarre japanese bras
patty give the frog a loan rolling stone
marketa bondage
how rich is dr. wayne dyer
becoming an organic pig farmer

In entirely unrelated news, Microsoft's Santa bot says:
You want me to eat what?!? It's fun to talk about oral sex, but I want to chat about something else...
I'll bet he only drinks rain water and grain alcohol too.
I found just the right bookshelf for you: "The Cave"
Quite a few odd finds in the feeds today. Uranium ore and anal douche connection.
That makes perfect sense, if you plan to make butt plugz out of the uranium ore.
As for The Cave, it would be a sweeter deal if there were room for both me and my favorite cave girl (and I don't mean Sian).
Wait until they print the first "Bush Bucks". That will be our new money, the billion dollar "In Goldman Sachs We Trust" latex currency.
Dear Akubi,
I brought you a present, because you are so visual. Some weird, some really cool stuff here (no commas):
...issued in denominations of 15, 35, 45, 75 and 90 kyats, besides the existing 5 and 10 kyat notes. He reportedly changed the currency to add up to nine because an astrologer said he would live to 90 if he did this.
Divisible by 9
05/9 = 0.55...
10/9 = 1.11...
15/9 = 1.66...
35/9 = 3.88...
45/9 = 5
75/9 = 8.33...
90/9 = 10
Thats less than 30% success rate!
Better than kc!
So much for divisible by 9. Maybe the astrologer didn't understand exactly. Or maybe the page with "rational" was ripped out of the dictionary.
Look at "adding up to nine"
05 >>> 0 + 5 = 5
10 >>> 1 + 0 = 1
15 >>> 1 + 5 = 6
35 >>> 3 + 5 = 8
45 >>> 4 + 5 = 9
75 >>> 7 + 5 = 12
90 >>> 9 + 0 = 9
Same success rate!
And the bush White House approval rate is divisible by 9, too - once or maybe twice.
Terrific stuff!
Feeds both left brain & right brain.
Rather busy afternoon at the looser W-2 so I've fallen a bit behind on this blog. Also, I think Edgar's Toilet may end up like Zillow Book in that there is so much relevant material out there, one could post all day and still find new gold nuggets.
Ahhh, you're so sweet :).
Since you seem really depressed about the Bush disaster, I was hoping to lighten your spirits with the Toilet blog, but you still haven't signed up as a guest blogger.
Wow, I particularly like the Skull with Cigarette. Seeing the actual work of 200,000 packs of cigarettes would be particularly disturbing on a more visceral level.
I was waiting for someone to comment on the disparity between the Harvard Crimson post and the Wiki explanation. Perhaps the junta uses a different set of numbers in their numerology...
Found a sweet Cave School for Ogg BTW.
Since you seem really depressed about the Bush disaster, I was hoping to lighten your spirits with the Toilet blog, but you still haven't signed up as a guest blogger.
I'm better today. No tv for me today!
Sounds like a plan!
Hmmm, looks like I got some sort of Brazilian spam.
Leona Helmsley's dog whose upkeep costs more than £150,000 a year is receiving death threats.
The dog itself will be buried beside its owner in the family mausoleum.
Ick! I'd rather be buried next to Jack the Ripper.
I assume you're referring to Leona rather than her dog.
Speaking of dogs, I came across this Hillary Clinton chew toy.
I have to assume that most of the £150,000 is for security costs. Otherwise, I have a hard time imagining how to spend that much in ways that the dog would actually notice and benefit from.
If I were trying to provide for my pets to live in the manner to which they have become accustomed, some money in savings for medical expenses plus $1k a year for upkeep would be more than enough.
Weekly grooming could certainly add up because I'm sure it's one of those very high-end sort of places.
Also, since her brother wouldn't take the dog they're paying for a full-time guardian in addition to security. Maybee that would be a good job for Casey? A professional dog guardian.
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