Breakfast Cereal is salvation.
If proper feng shui can sell a house these days, cereal is easy.

Cute Octobabies!
Digg Kris. I have a semi-lost sister named Kristen who may or may not be Kris.
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Right, but how do you maintain proper feng shui when all the cereal bits keep getting stirred around as you eat them? Or isitallgood as long as you keep the cereal bowl properly positioned in regard to the windows?
Or is getting MURST the main thing?
While I occasionally make fun of feng shui, it doesn't mean I don't believe in it.
A properly located plant and mirror will harmonize your life.
Don't eat / drink unpasteurized milk products.
That is all.
In unrelated news I'm currently watching Boiler Room and thinking that being a middle class W-2 looser isn't such a bad thing.
This photo, from this collection, reminds me of a long-forgotten grade school playground.
Of course it is silly now, but when I was a kid I was so mad at my mom for not allowing me to choose my Cereal of Choice in the supermarket aisle.
It was on television!!!
Then the "Mexican kids" would stick their tongues out at me and I would hate them too – because they got the cereal of choice and I didn’t – plus they were rude. My mom’s annoying explanations of corn syrup as a sugar substitute didn’t help. I was somewhat less annoyed about the cereal issue in NorCal
If I die and become a ghost I highly suspect I’ll haunt cereal aisles waiting for the best box I’ll never get or want, but have a childlike need for.
I was allowed one bowl of the sugared cereal a day, when we had it on hand, which I figured was a pretty sweet deal even though I always wanted more. Still, every year or so I'll go nuts and go through a whole box of Lucky Charms or whatever in a day.
You were so lucky!
I think we need a new Breakfast Cereal-based political party.
I think we need a new Breakfast Cereal-based political party.
I'll vote for anyone in the Froot Loops party, since I'm a loopy fruit myself. ;-)
Being registered Democrat is as bad as being a former Berkeley student – they both send me approximately the same amount of junk mail these days.
I think I’ll return to some fringe party that lacks the finances to send me bumper stickers.
I’ve signed up for every F-ing Do Not Snail, Call or Email list, but somehow non-profits get through and I’m sick and tired of it. There is a list of suckers giving money for “good causes” somewhere and I’m at the top of it – despite the fact that I have little money…yet I have enough address labels with whales and dolphins on them, thank you. I find it highly entropic that they send me so many.
Was there a particular Froot Loop color you preferred or was itallgood?
I liked them too, but they all tasted the same in milk.
All the colors were nice, since together, they're reminiscent of the rainbow flags plastered all over my bedroom walls. ;-)
When I was a young buzzard I got every different type of commercially processed breakfast cereal. I think Count Chocula was the only one I didn't get. I didn't mind piles and heaping mounds of sugar on my cereal, but I never got into the whole chocolate milk / Count Chocula thing.
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