The Casey Virus™ continues to spread...
Hat tip (again) to Wagga for this find:
Their foreclosures delayed, vacant homes fall into disrepairSome nights Terry and Carrie Madden won’t even step onto their patio in Waldo — the stench and mosquitoes from the abandoned swimming pool next door are
The Maddens’ cash-strapped neighbors moved out in August, and the lender on the now-vacant house let it fall into disrepair. The pool is slime-green.
Don't miss the slime-green video!
And the Moon over Marin Slouch in hiFi:
Blood-sucking bzzzzt murst!
That's a nice picture of me you got there, Akubi -- as usual, I'm in the "bent-over-forwards-with-my-ass-in-the-air" position. Par for the course, really. :-)
In addition to the disgusting pool, what's up with that absurd outfit?
Absurd? Come on, you've got the pastel orange hat, green shirt, and bright blue pants -- I prefer the term "flamboyant". ;-)
Yes, I have the sunscreen, but that color scheme is just awful and seems almost staged to highlight the sludge in the pool. And those pants look like something fellow foreclosure “victim” Michael Jackson would wear.
Well, truth be told, Mommy still picks out my clothes and dresses me, so you can blame her for the bad fashion sense.
Originally, I was going to wear my Blue Shirt™ to match with the pants, but she thought I should wear green in case the angry neighbors decided to throw me in the pool. Easier to camouflage the algae stains that way. ;-)
Has anyone seen edgar?
Hi Casey!
Well of course your Blue Shirt is a special Snow Flake just like you!
Hi 7MH,
Edgar was here earlier...
Edgar on-line after 24 hr hiatus. That's right, I'm baack. Be afraid.
June 22, 2008 4:07 PM
I think itsallgood.
God Accused Of Selling Cocaine Near Tampa Church
There was Typhoid Mary now there's West Nile Casey.
Hi Dawg!
Like algae caused by the sun (or a cancer) Casey multiplies and spreads green sludge everywhere.
The moon over Marin is heavy, red and filled with ash.
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