Daniel Hillier via Under Vhoorl's Shadow

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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Tentacles aplenty!
Hi Edgar,
That was fast!
I've added even more tentacles to the post.
Godzilla chewing on tentacles galore!
P.S. How did you know it was me, seeing as how I was incognito? I've been out again today. We are having vacation at home this year, next year we go to Las Vegas, assuming it's still there by them :\
Then, my typing is atrocious!
How did you know it was me, seeing as how I was incognito?
You essentially admitted you were mursty murstperson a few posts back.
As far as vacations, airfare is so expensive I don't plan to go far from home either. I've never been to Las Vegas.
The 120 degree heat doesn't really appeal to me, but it seems like something everyone should experience at least once in their life.
The number of tentacles an octopus has is equal to the number of houses I fraudulently stole. Sweet!! :-)
Hey Casey,
Both you and Laura Richardson seem to be part of a Sacramento foreclosure trend, but you were ahead of your time. Sweet!
Well, Akubi-Dooby-Doo, in the future I may decide to follow in Laura Richardson's footsteps and run for Congress myself.
What's more American than an Uzbek immigrant with a dream to become a career criminal, and the subsequent "riches to rags" story... ;-)
Maybe I'll ultimately represent your district! :-)
@ Casey:
It's supposed to be "rags to riches". Don't worry though. You're just failing forward. Itsallgood, right?
You're just failing forward. Itsallgood, right?
That which does not kill me... only delays the inevitable! ;-)
Hi KC,
In anywhere other than my elite corner of arugula eaters of California, I think you could easily be voted into the house. Once you get your BA, I’m sure your parents would be happy to fund an MBA at the U of Spoiled Children so you can be fully prepared to follow in Richardson’s footsteps.
Hi Ogg,
Rags to riches, riches to rags itsallgood in the richdadpoordad reality framework.
Hey Casey,
Glad you’re finding the time to appreciate Nietzsche on your parents’ couch ;).
I've been to Las Vegas and enjoyed it. Ok, maybe not; casinos are pretty much the same everywhere.
Once you get your BA, I’m sure your parents would be happy to fund an MBA
Actually, I think the degree most suitable for aspiring politicians is the "B.S."... nyuk nyuk nyuk. ;-)
Unicorn deer.
Cthulhu Ninja
Algenol Enters The Algae Biofuel Race With Process Economics Advantage
On my way home from work, I noted a wildfire not all that far from me. Given the red flag warnings in the area I'm a bit concerned, but there's a hill in between my place and the fire so I can't really see what's going on. One would think one could properly track this sort of situation online these days, but all I can find are vague and confused messages on kron4.com.
Take the algae from all the deserted swimming pool in california and you could make enough ethanol for half a dozen extreme commuters.
I hope the fire doesn't get you akubi. :\
@ Akubi:
When I was living in eastern Washington, there was plenty of information on wildfires available but I still sometimes had trouble even figuring out what state the fire was in. There were so many possible fires upwind of me.
In other news, the loosers at the New Zealand Green Party support banning water.
Take the algae from all the deserted swimming pool in california and you could make enough ethanol for half a dozen extreme commuters.
I agree as I believe a number of other folks around here probably do as well.
Perhaps we should create a start-up called SolGae(tm) perhaps. Hmm, it seems we need a k in the brand name to highlight the koi influence...
As far as I can tell, the fire doesn't seem to be an issue at this point (hear some more fire engines and helicopters, but my dogs don't seem stressed). WTSHTF I probably won’t have interweb connectivity anyway.
Hmmm, I find it puzzling that we're constantly updated/bombarded with irrelevant BS news and "information", but can’t get any real info when we actually need it. Regarding water bans, I think I know who you have in mind with that find.
Actually, I didn't have anyone in mind. I just thought it was a funny link.
I went to Lost Wages as a kid. The casino we stayed at had carnival-style games of chance for the kidz, where you'd buy tokens to have a chance at winning a prize. They like to start 'em young there. More recently I had a layover in the LV airport. It was packed even late at night.
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