A friend and I were discussing poop frequency and I was surprised to learn that he only poops once every two or three days. He insisted that was within the normal range and after googling a bit I realized he was right.
It may have had something to do with my grandmother, but I always thought everyone should poop at least once a day. When I would stay with my grandma as a kid an inability to produce a "BM" at least once a day was cause for concern and a prunes and prune juice only diet.
Any thoughts on poop schedules?

I think people should poop as the mood strikes them, and not sweat the schedule too much as long as they don't feel like their personal series of tubes is clogged.
Any thoughts on poop schedules?
For the past 3 years, I've metaphorically pooped on all responsible bill-payers in America. Crime doesn't pay, they say?? Ha!! ;-)
I'm also tempted to crack a joke about "taking it in the poop chute"... not that there's anything wrong with that!!
I think people should poop as the mood strikes them, and not sweat the schedule too much as long as they don't feel like their personal series of tubes is clogged.
Is it nature or nurture? Perhaps I've been programmed to believe something is wrong if I don't poop once a day.
You and an army of similar flippers/floppers.
In other news, I see a lot of weird shit on ModBlog, but this disturbs me. Maybe because it reminds me of the time I fell and had to get stitches in my chin after the shattered teeth particles were pulled out. Why did they choose black stitches? Walked around with broken teeth and a crazy minimalist goatee for over a month.
Let's give the boomers another dose of acid.
If I get to the third day with no production I start to get grumpy. There is a range, mostly once or twice per day, sometimes I gets the trots though...
If I get to the third day with no production I start to get grumpy.
OT, but the Laura Richardson fiasco continues: When she arrived in Congress last fall, Rep. Laura Richardson sought out a vehicle that would match her newfound status. She settled on a 2007 Lincoln Town Car - the choice of many representatives who lease their vehicles at taxpayers' expense. But hers was distinct: at $1,300 a month, it was the most expensive car in the House of Representatives.
$1,300 a month on a car! WTF?
And we're paying for it!
$1,300 a month on a car! WTF?
I hope a piece of space junk falls on her haid.
Yeah, she really is a piece of work.
I was reviewing real estate listings and came across this find:
Description: WARNING, the pool in the rear of yard has collapsed in on itself. The pool deck arond the pool is very dangerous. We are advising that you not enter the rear yard, and if you do enter the rear yard, you are doing so at your own risk. The City of Petaluma may be requiring a soils report.
It is currently listed for $319,900 and in firm escrow.
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