And that takes some serious effort! Woohoo!

farie of the cars by ~mooreno
「INSANITY」に関する画像、動画、ブログ記事のタグ検索結果- [ Translate this page ]
「INSANITY」タグをつけた最新のブログ記事情報です。 ... 49 days 登録者: Akubi ブログ名: Blog about a blog about a blog about a blog · 11個のブログからリンク ...
Murst to congratulate you on beating all the various loosers to that sweet #1 position.
When do you plan to leverage your juicy organic Google placement with some paid "sweet links"? ;-)
Thanx guyz,
Given how many insane blogs are out there, I admittedly feel honored to be the #1 "generalized insanity blog" Google search result.
As far as leverage, maybe I should work the pharmaceutical angle – Ritalin and Prozac ads perhaps?
Like Hillary, I miss Casey - some individual who I can hate on and is responsible for the downfall of Western Civ: $1,000 a week or Kill Blog and Get a Job! Oh Crap!!
maybe I should work the pharmaceutical angle – Ritalin and Prozac ads perhaps?
Well, the only pills I'd be interested in purchasing right now are iron supplements -- I'm so anemic that my skin is becoming transparent! ;-)
You'll also be pleased to know that this blog also comes up #1 for "Gay Casey Serin Blog". Not that there's anything wrong with that!!
You'll know you're big in Japan when you make it into Heart Attack.
It is sweet being #1. Not only did I missed my murst, I missed an entire post. Oh well, better luck next time mursty.
Hi Casey,
I found some support groups for you.
Well, the only pills I'd be interested in purchasing right now are iron supplements -- I'm so anemic that my skin is becoming transparent! ;-)
Actually, I also tend to suffer from anemia and was complaining to my mom on the phone this evening about how weak and tired I had been feeling over the past few days – and she asked about the timing and noted that it had something to do with Billary’s concession. As she knows, I have always had a bad habit of getting strangely energized by stuff that pisses me off.
McCain's confused war on beer might be entertaining, but it just isn’t enough to make me want to blog about it.
Where's the drama?
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