Let's celebrate with a fishnet tea party!
Drink me? by ~LittleLyingDelilah
Pondering. by ~xmansonx
As featured during our last tea party.
Casey's beer fairy Doppelgänger has been located!
We are fully aware of all of his ballet Traditions.

If a lady invites you into her room, she probably isn't much of a lady. Woohoo!
Mursty things going on, me thinks!
This lady is wearing her first fishnets!
Have a nice weekend!
Happy first day of summer, people... time to hit the beach with my SPF 18,000 lotion -- I'm so pale that I start to smell like cooked beef after 20 seconds in the sun. ;-)
I was a bit of a fan of PhDiva and somewhat disappointed with this Gitmo post regarding the SCOTUS ruling (was she trolling?). Gitmo like Dick Cheney, the big oil "win-win" in Iraq, and the rest of the B.S. that pisses me off (and extraordinarily unAmerican IMHO) is the cancer that is destroying this country.
While I’m pissed with Obama over FISA, I understand it is politics as usual and you can't win unless you're an asshole and not a typical wet noodle democrat even if you ARE a wet noodle POS Democrat. Politics sucks.
Honestly the only conservative bone in my body is a fiscal one (which I haven't seen in Repugs in my lifetime), so how the fuck is it wrong that Obama won’t take gubbermint money?
In other news, I found a sweet deal in a prime location, but the bathroom is missing due to dry rot or something. Will that affect my financing? Coworker suggests it might.
Happy first day of summer, people... time to hit the beach with my SPF 18,000 lotion -- I'm so pale that I start to smell like cooked beef after 20 seconds in the sun. ;-)
That's me too! We have so much in common. Oh I found some guy that looked like your Doppelgänger on the interwebs earlier today. Need to find and post it.
Thanks for the sweet finds. Such things help cheer me up, and I needed that today. I'm completely shot after a looser W-2 day yesterday that nearly stretched into today. While the hours at this job tend to be very regular, there are bad nights like that once or twice a month.
Woohoo! Another groovy internet tradition.
I'm glad the sweet finds cheer you up.
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