Thorazine advertisement, 1959
for prompt control of
nausea and vomiting
in children
and Suppositories
In the over 1,500,000 children in whom 'Thorazine' has been
used, jaundice or agranulocytosis has never been reported.

Nothing but a Generalized Insanity Blog™ and repository of random finds AKA Brain Dumps™. This is a CaseyPedia Approved corner of the CaseySphere and the Official Source of 6 Degrees of Casey Serin™. We are Project SCOBY Doo™ and we are purveyors of fine thongs, butt plugs, fishnets, Nietzsche, Fruit Loops™ and duck dongs for the likes of Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton among other well-established celubutards! A Shining example of how NOT to blog. I Am Aware of All Internet Traditions™
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US CO2 . . (cubic feet) |
Murst! Sweet find. I guess it's not just for the control of senile agitation any more.
In other presidential news, the end has finally come for the Ronulans.
Hi Ogg,
Judy Garland duets are on now! Earlier we had a program on Rock Hudson and Doris Day. Sweet!
Didn't you post the senile agitation one somewhere on 6 Degrees of Casey Serin.
I hope Ron Paul has the piece of mind not to give his money to McSame.
Hey where's KC?
I was hoping he might utilize his B.S. to weigh in on the pharmaceutical issues, i.e. what was he on or not on as a child and does Thorazine for children explain George W....?
Hey where's KC? what was he on or not on as a child
Lithium, to help with the bipolar manic swings ("I'm a million bucks in debt! But it's all good!")
Intravenous methamphetamine, both to keep me at 110 pounds soaking wet, and to fuel my pie-in-the-sky delusions of grandeur.
And I also took Dramamine whenever Galina wanted to get frisky. It was the only way I could look at her nude without throwing up. Luckily, now that I've replaced Galina with "Gregory", I don't have that problem any more. :-)
I tried googling "cure for generalized insanity". I landed on an 1895 article from the "American Journal of Insanity" (unfortunately renamed in our own time). Unfortunately it's a pay-site, so I don't know what the cure is. But meanwhile, it occurred to me - a weblog is a type of journal, right? And this is a blog of generalized insanity. You see? This is the Journal reborn! "Blog about a blog about a blog about a blog: An American Journal of Generalized Insanity".
RP will never give his money to McSame, that would be a slap in the face to all Ronulans. He is supporting an host of Libertarian CONgreffscritters.
With still six more months of the criminal Bush administration to go I could use some Thorazine myself.
Hey KC,
I’m glad you’re staying well-medicated. Hopefully that will keep you out of trouble.
BTW I found another politician who has something in common with you: McCains report more than $100,000 in credit card debt
Interesting find. The American Journal of Psychiatry sounds so dull and uninteresting in comparison to the American Journal of Insanity. However, Baab is happy to fill the void!
With still six more months of the criminal Bush administration to go I could use some Thorazine myself.
I know the feeling and worry they'll involve us in Iran before it is over, but sometimes the final stretch seems the longest.
You’re quite an early riser this morning.
Another groovy tentacle find that hopefully won’t offend Ogg: Eldritch Darwinism
That man has ogg sneaking up w/ a club from behind him and cthulhu in front. Yikes!
That man has ogg sneaking up w/ a club from behind him and cthulhu in front. Yikes!
Yeah, I think I'd prefer to be the koi at the far left.
Hot Fundoshi Underpants for Casey.
@akubi wrote: Yeah, I think I'd prefer to be the koi at the far left.
You are sharp as a tack. :D
How many decades did it take?!!!
U.S. FDA expands antipsychotic drug warning
Wait... if Thorazine has been discontinued, what am I supposed to use for prompt relief of senile dementia?
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